How Do You Say “Fast and Furious” In Arabic?

Back in the spring, the Arab spring that is, the Libyan Arab Spring to be more precise, the Obama administration had this great idea.  They had this plan where if they let weapons sneak across the border into Libya, and end up in the hands of terrorists, they’d be able to use that as an … Read more

Mohamed Morsi Has Left The Building

Talk about overreach.  Less than two weeks after declaring himself king (even just interim king) protesters have stormed the Presidential palace (two words that should never be used in the same sentence to begin with) and forced Morsi to make a hasty retreat. No one knows where Morsi has fled, but opposition coalition spokesman Hussein … Read more

Egypt’s New Boss Same as the Old Boss…with a Side of Arab Winter?

Morsi declares himself new powers Eqyptians light stuff on fire to celebrateOn Thanksgiving the Muslim Brotherhoods Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi (Morsy) declared himself immune to judicial oversight (See also King, Dictator, Tyrant).  In the name of protecting the revolution no judge may overturn, edit, retract, modify, overrule, or otherwise act in any manner to alter any edict the new King of Egypt utters…until the (cough cough) people’s assembly has been elected and a new constitution has been written….

So none of that overturning executive orders nonsense, judges can’t stop them, and  any lawsuits directed at the folks at the top of the power pyramid are hereby vacated.

Some “animals” are again more equal than others.

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Attempt to Cover up Naive, Dangerous, Failed Obama Policies

For weeks President Obama and his top aides lied to us, claiming the events in the Middle East on 9-11 were caused by a movie that few people even knew about.   Those claims were attempts to cover up President Obama’s failed Middle East policies that strengthen terrorists, comfort our enemies, and are bringing the world to the brink of nuclear war.   

For years Democrats told us that killing Osama would destroy al-Qaeda and win the war on terror.  The 9-11 attacks exposed that obvious falsehood. 

President Obama refused requests for assistance for the real democracy revolution in Iran that would have helped stabilize the Middle East and end Iran’s aid to enemies that kill American soldiers. 

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