Another stupid TV anchor – one of the MSM’s finest sounds a bit off key.

Progressives – the ones that claim that they are the reality based ones that are science oriented.  Well, Steve’s got the CNN looney bird that thinks approaching asteroids are due to our so-called “global warming” – her exclamation had to be both reality and scientifically based, eh?  And now, MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell decides to lend her most informed opinion to the fray:

 Think about it – we can hamstring our economy just to make her feel good – after all, she is pretty well insulated from the actual industries that, you know, use energy to create wealth generating products and services. She earns a 1% living – far above what others do.  Yet, while she could absorb the extra energy costs with ease, most normal folks can’t (they’re struggling now with gas prices that are spinning the dials faster and faster the last couple of weeks).  But that’s the least of the idiocy:

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Here’s a “Thank’em” for Papa Smurf for playing with Andrea Mitchell’s head

Also known around these parts as TGOTN (“The Gnome Of The North“).  Well, our official motto IS “Thank’em when they’re right and spank’em when their wrong”.  We’ve been hard on him since the manuver to install Julianne Bergeron as his handpicked success as Chair of the NH GOP (hey, how’s that Wayne MacDonald doing, eh, since the second Act of this tragedy – we’ll see what the final tally is come November; but I digress).

Anyways, in the light of the absolutely disaster of a performance by Obama in last night’s debate John Sununu was on with the uber-sour puss Andrea Mitchell.  She did not take well to to what he called Obama in a quite uppity way:

He earned this “Thank’em”.

(H/T: Hot Air, who also has the transcript)

And of course, all the other Democrat Operatives With Bylines have their panties in a wad:

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