During a recent golf outing with my friend Tom from Manchester, the conversation turned to the demise of youth sports in the Queen City. My buddy grew up there and once played on a Class L state championship basketball team as a Manchester kid.
american exceptionalism
Jack Wilson: “I killed evil. I took out evil.”
Jack Wilson was the man that stood up when the murderer in his church killed two of the parishioners. Jack stopped him with one shot to the head. A Sheepdog, a hero. He, and the others that were armed that Sunday morning, were willing to lay down their lives to protect their flock. Yes, their flock.
Yet another “Man in the Street” interview: Go ahead, college kid, say the Pledge
Pledge of Allegiance (to the United States) – how has this become so controversial? Across the blogosphere, we’ve seen college groups, city councils, Democrat committees, local group, all reject saying what is “I continue to pledge my fealty to the United States.”
Hate Thanksgiving: what else would you expect from two generations being taught to hate America?
It is almost a week after Thanksgiving but these kinds of notions and mindsets didn’t arise from nothingness. If they weren’t handed down by their parents (rather doubtful, especially at a “Christian” college, methinks), it’s by our educational system that has taught this self-loathing of one’s own country.
603 Summit: Steve Negron: Capitalism vs. Socialism
“That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men” Another speaker from last Saturday’s 603 Summit (yes, it is taking a while to get through all these videos) was Steve Negron who ran for US Congress in NH’s Second Congressional District against incumbent Progressive Democrat Annie “Raise the roof for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez” Kuster. Expected … Read more
A palate cleanser – Still The Greatest Country EVAH!
Lots of people on the Left still absolutely hate the United States; they see us as a flawed country birthed by old, white, rich men that hated everything and everyone around them (hmmm, think about that cognitive dissonance). One man, a black man, who has succeeded beyond most peoples’ wildest dreams, answers these twerps back: … Read more
American Exceptionalism – hoping it is more than a campaign slogan
This caught my eye as one of the things that Romney said after announcing that Paul Ryan was to be his Veep pick:
“I love America. We’re going to restore American principles. We love this country. We don’t want to change it. We don’t want to transform it. We want to restore the principles of America that made us the hope of the earth.”
Again, I ask you, loyal reader, to compare that, going back to our Founders vision, to what Obama has said:
Blind fools, in the service of blind, enervated American elites….
Can extremely highly educated, very widely traveled and knowledgeable people be amazingly, obviously, exceptionally, absolutely blind to the lessons of history? Mark Steyn—who not incidentally lives in the Free State of New Hampshire—explains that, why yes, as a matter of fact they can be. In fact, there’s an example of one—well respected!—who recently wrote a … Read more