Alejandro Mayorkas DHS

Why Is Alejandro Mayorkas Still Employed

A Few years ago, I watched as Lois Lerner was exposed for leading an IRS witch-hunt to penalize and effectively shut down as many right-wing groups and PACs as possible. The Obama Administration weaponized the IRS, one of the largest government agencies, against political opposition to the Left, and Lois Lerner was in charge of the effort.

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Alejandro Mayorkas DHS

What Shall We Call The New State

In three short years, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Alejandro Mayorkas have let enough illegal migrants breach our southern border that if we brought them all to one spot, they would total more than 36 states in our Union. If that is tough to grasp, we now have more illegals from over 150 countries than the residents of Massachusetts, Missouri, or Wisconsin.

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Alejandro Mayorkas DHS

Alejandro Mayorkas Is The Illegal Alien Union Boss

Alejandro Mayorkas is supposed to be our Secretary of Homeland Security. By his title, you would think his job might be to keep illegal aliens out of our country, but not the inept Secretary. He is now offering the six million illegals who have crossed our borders during the Biden Presidency a work permit.

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Amendment 1

Content Moderation is Censorship, Period

I want to stipulate first that no government is in a position to dictate to its people whether someone’s statements are truthful or not. It is up to each individual to determine the validity of what they hear or read and ascertain its authenticity.

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