Elderly grandparent old person original Photo by Danie Franco on Unsplash

New Hampshire Is Not in Demographic “Crisis”

Rarely has an article been more panoramically wrong than Ian Huyett’s contribution of 3 December.  The problem is supposed that New Hampshire has too many old people and too few young people — a theme heard from GOP state reps in years past, who look in awe at the Democrats’ many gunpoint solutions to non-problems … Read more

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New Hampshire Is Catastrophically Old—and That Will Hurt the Elderly the Most

New Hampshire has sleepwalked into a population crisis. The state’s demographic balance has been poisoned by decades of anti-child and anti-family policies—often explicitly designed to drive young families out of Granite State communities. As a result, New Hampshire has become catastrophically old.

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Klotho Protein: What Does It Mean for the Future of Aging?

The aging process is a natural part of life. As individuals age, muscles weaken. Since the beginning of human history, humanity has been on a quest to find ways to slow aging and its side effects. Until recently, little has been known about the mechanisms that control the aging of the human body. Many people … Read more

Grok Open Thread - updated

Friday Open Thread – Sucks Getting Old

Whether or not we like getting old, we all are.  But, in this day and age, am I not allowed to still think I’m in my 40s (no, not greed to hope for 30s or 20s – 40s are still fine)?

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