The Falling Man (AP/Richard Drew)

The 2,996 Project – Honoring the Fallen of 9/11 – Eugen Lazar

I made a promise – GraniteGrok will not forget Eugen; this day we still remember what happened 23 years ago today: 9/11/2001. Someone had written a post with a short blurp “…22 years ago…”. I can’t believe that it has been THAT long – yet I vividly remember that day almost to the minute.

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UPDATE: Fort Worth Officer Charged With Murder in Killing of Atatiana Jefferson

Updated 10/17/19:In a tweet sent out by Fort Worth Police, the identity of the officer responsible for the death of Atatiana Jefferson was revealed as Aaron Dean.  Dean has been charged with murder in the shooting death of a 28 year old woman who was playing video games with her 8 year old nephew.   Police … Read more

Ilhan Omar

Deception and Treachery in Congress

Somali-born, Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar described the 9/11 terrorist attack as an event where “some people did something” (15:00 mark in video).  She couldn’t bring herself to say “terrorism”, yet alone “Muslim Terrorism” while addressing CAIR, a Muslim lobbying group. Talk about a severe case of cognitive dissonance. With liberty in mind, I don’t have … Read more


September 11 – We still remember (bumped)

9/11 Falling man

Updated (again) and bumped from 9/11/12: I just reread this – angrily.  For you see, our President, whose main responsibility is to the Constitution, the nation, and its people – to keep them safe.  Yet, this President, whose main policy is Determined Weakness, has no problem in using the might of the United States to protect, and worse, to ally this country with those whose hatred of this country cause the Falling Man to your left.  The MSM won’t show this picture, and no, they won’t make the explicit connection between Muslim Jihadis and the death of thousands.  For many of our fellow countrymen, death came quickly.  Twelve years later, I cannot fathom the fear, the emptiness, the futility, and worse, the aloneness of those that chose that last 30 seconds of their lives in jumping.  They stared at the Death that was coming from above, below and from behind – and cheat it but only in that they chose a different Death.

Never forget – and never forgive.  No, Mr. President Obama, too many Americans have died too soon  to have us aid those that caused Death to visit our shores simply because our Founders believed in the exceptional (and radical) idea that we can be self-governing in all things and to live our lives in ways we individually believe best.  But it seems, Mr. President, that you reject this idea (as do all Progressives) for your actions in Benghazi, in Libya, in Egypt, and desiring to do so again in Syria, you have thrown in with those that believe otherwise.  Jihadis, Islamists, Muslim Brotherhood; at each and every turn you have shown your preference for them over those that love our Constitution and its ideals.

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Of Colin Kaepernick and Tom Burnett. Nike choose poorly

I still remember where I was when the news started to come in – just getting out of my Suburban and going into the local Epicor office; the news flashed over the radio.  I rigged up a TV in the office – a crowd gathered in silence, staring in horror.  Weeping and groans when the second plane hit the Twin Towers…

Fast forward to today, 17 years later, and Mike Rowe (of “Dirty Jobs” fame that lifted up those that do the jobs that most people wouldn’t do but has to be done to keep the wheels spinning in this modern world) levels Nike’s selection of a “hero” Colin Kaepernick by recounting the story of one of the true heroes of 9/11/2001 on board United Flight 93 that stopped the Islamic Jihadis from using yet another aircraft from harming our fellow countrymen (rumors was that it was supposed to hit the White House): Tom Burnett.

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So is it likely that Obama knew about this and STILL gave Iran billions of dollars to ‘cement’ his ‘legacy’

Falling Man TortureAnswer: yes. I’m betting that everything else was Shiny Objects and Obama only wanted to give the mullahs that planeload of currency:

Iranian officials, in a first, have admitted to facilitating the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the U.S. by secretly aiding the free travel of al Qaeda operatives who eventually went on to fly commercial airliners into the Twin Towers in New York City, according to new remarks from a senior Iranian official.

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White House Changes To Benghazi Talking Points Revealed

Compiled from emails exchanged between the White House, State, and other Federal entities, The Weekly Standard reports on details compiled and released that show what the White House knew, when they knew it, and what they ended up saying.  (Image of talking points before and after on the jump).


The first, at 4:05 p.m. (all times are Eastern Standard Time), indicated that the compound was under attack; the second, at 6:08 p.m., indicated that Ansar al Sharia, an al Qaeda-linked terrorist group operating in Libya, had claimed credit for the attack. According to the House report, these alerts were circulated widely inside the government, including at the highest levels. The fighting in Benghazi continued for another several hours, so top Obama administration officials were told even as the fighting was taking place that U.S. diplomats and intelligence operatives were likely being attacked by al Qaeda-affiliated terrorists. A cable sent the following day, September 12, by the CIA station chief in Libya, reported that eyewitnesses confirmed the participation of Islamic militants and made clear that U.S. facilities in Benghazi had come under terrorist attack. It was this fact, along with several others, that top Obama officials would work so hard to obscure.

The Obama Admin went with the random riot and then YouTube video lies for what, a week or more–despite evidence it was an al Qaeda affiliated terror attack.

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Benghazi You Tube Video Takes Out….Jay Carney?

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney is missing.  He may have been taken out by a You Tube Video. I’m not sure if it’s this one, or one like it, but it probably has something to do with “Ambassador Died – Obama Lied.”  Ever since the truth started leaking out, the regimes press-puppet has gotten … Read more

911 – “All available boats, this is the Coast Guard. Anyone wanting to help with the evacuation of lower Manhatten, report to Governors Island”

"After the radio call, if it floated and could get there, it got there." I found this clip yesterday and have watched it a couple of times as I never knew this had happened: At about 9:23 into the clip was this: "You couldn’ta planned nothin’ to happen that fast that quick." "No training, this … Read more

9/11 – One man’s recollections

9/11/2001.  8:45am I had just driven from my hamlet down for a visit to my company’s MA based office – laptop upgrade, software upgrade by IT, chat with a couple of sales folks to see what help I could be technically for pitches to be made, face time with other tech folks to swap stories and see what was flashing.

Getting out of the Suburban, the radio crackled news that I could not believe.  Hurrying into the office, I phoned home – I’m OK, what’s on the TV?  Confirmation.  Into the office, plugged in the net and immediately tried to stream a local radio station (er, that was a new thing back then – most people thought I was nuts).  Grabbed the TV normally used for training, literally reshaped some coat hangers, and got a local Boston station.

A small crowd gathered, one or two at first.  Then more. A normally bustling office slowly became silent as the whispers went around and people gathered to see the images, images that we never thought we would see and certainly not on our national soil.  Horror filled the room as the first news of jumpers reached us.

The second plane hit…and there was silence.  And then a groaning, followed quiet by cursing.  People watched, transfigured at history in the making and the horror of the moment.  I heard sobbing.

At that, one by one desks emptied and what seemed to be the entire facility was now grouped around that jury-rigged tv with the scratchy sound and the sometimes snowy picture.  But that was enough – we all knew what had happened and what it really meant even as none of knew exactly what it meant.

One by one, the crowd grew smaller; things were gathered up, desktop PCs shut down, monitors shut off, and desks tidied up.  Managers looked the other way, and then did the same.  I packed up, put the TV away, walked down the stairs, called home to say I was fine and heading to the highway.

Coming through the door, …

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Never forget…and take a moment to remember

bumped from its original posting of last year We find ourselves, tomorrow, at the 9-year anniversary of the worst attack on our nation since Pearl Harbor.  The shock and surprise, pure terror as intended, was surreal, bitter, and sad. I sat at my desk, working at home on a warm Tuesday morning, a Fall breeze blowing … Read more

9/11 – Burnt Orange

Burnt Orange                      Dire chrysanthemums                             Spring among the raining ashes,                                  Brief as hearts beating.              … Read more

9/11 – one man’s tribute

This speaks for many.  A horrific event, now ten years in the past.  A soft, heartfelt offering: This has raised hackles on the Left on the meme of he’s just a candidate. Be sure of this, however, one does not hang Patriotism at the door simply because they’re a candidate.  Nor does ten years mean … Read more

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