GrokPoll Results – Who do you think could or should be the next NH Governor?


In case you didn’t go back and check the poll results..

Well, I think that GraniteGrok and our readers are probably in that mix of “ultra-anti-government right” that Sununu mentioned when he signed up to run, again, for NH Governor. I dryly note that when such people say such things, they (Sununu) NEVER state the WHY they describe others such?  Neither he nor the Left, ever consider WHY some folks might be in that group – like those in Government that keep screwing up in making mistakes as they won’t stay within their Constitutional boundaries and authorizing legislation?  That they’ve morphed from doing X to doing Y, Z, Alpha, Beta – and hardly spending time on X anymore?  For example, the CDC, which is supposed to be all about tracking diseases morphing into an agency that assumed it had the Power to issue a nationwide moratorium for home/rental evictions? Note: it doesn’t – SCOTUS slapped them down…twice.

Or those that believe in the founding idea of having limited Governments and complain when they expand? Anyways…The Poll.  With the poll ending this past Wednesday (yes, I know, I’m late!), the results are available here but I figured I’d summarize the most vote-getters here. I dryly note that amongst our readers, who are the most conservative bunch in NH, Sununu did as well as I thought he would:

Chris Sununu – 1.99% (Current incumbent, NH Governor)

Yes, this is an unscientific, self-selected poll done for the heck of it and with which I amused myself. That result is not unsurprising. The question will be – will he or his staff take note of it?

For the rest, a few of the from most to least:

  • Don Bolduc – 18.53% but is running for US Senate (and is leading in polls for the Republican Primary)
  • Frank Edelblut – 16.4% (currently the NH Dept. of Education Commissioner)
  • Thad Riley – 14.24% (and is a candidate for NH Governor)
  • Karen Testerman – 12.25% (and is a candidate for NH Governor)
  • Julian Acciard – – 6.85% (switched from running for Congress in CD-1 to Governor)
  • Bill O’Brien – 4.75% (former NH Speaker of the House).

Again, you could have voted for one, a few, or for all. So what’s the meaning of all this, at least to me?

  • If just the Conservative / Liberty & Freedom wing of the Republican Party voted, Sununu would be a goner.
  • Is Bolduc “transferable” for a different office as well as US Senate? Too late to switch but perhaps in the future?
  • Frank Edelblut has been toiling in the now-hot-button issues area of Education with a refusal to be “political” during his tenure.
  • Surprising me is Riley – I did not expect that percentage for someone that hasn’t had any State-wide exposure

Next set of polls will be more individual race oriented.  Again, unscientific and self-selecting but it will be fun to see where OUR readership is on the candidates.





  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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