This email from Obama has got to be the lamest

Face it – That President Obama did not help himself last nite debate has been proven  as none of the polls showed much of a lessening of Mittmentum.  In addition, a lot of folks in the Right Blogosphere are tittering about the fund raising letter that went out at midnight last night from His Moppiness:

Skip —

I don’t want to lose this election.

Not because of what losing would mean for me — Michelle and I will be fine no matter what happens.

But because of what it would mean for our country and middle-class families.

This race is very close.

I’m not willing to watch the progress you and I worked so hard to achieve be undone.

No kidding sport – who spends almost a $1 Billion to just lose?  Just for one observation, try this one at Hot Air.  But I haven’t seen anyone talk about the earlier one – or perhaps I got to be in the Extra Special  catagory and only I got it?  Face it, if the above was The Mopiest, this HAS to be The Lamest.  Effort?  Any?

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(H/T: Liberal logic 101)

A “Responsible Plan to end War in Afghanistan”

(H/T: “Rebuilding” – Obama for America campaign via Hot Air) Obama thinks this is the epitome of how to fight a war: just bring the troops home, declare victory; done.  Problem is, there’s another side in this war that hasn’t agreed at all to ending the war.  War is NEVER unilaterally declared done until the … Read more

Quick thoughts on the debate now that it is over.

Heh!: “Obama ‘death stare’ is the new Biden smirk.” It doesn’t matter if Obama wins tonite or not – it is whether or not Obama’s performance overall will cause people to change their minds when compared to Romney’s performance.  I think that while Obama may have squeaked out a win (barely), I’d call it a draw … Read more

Some posts to read in advance of the Presidential debate tonite

In surfing a bit during a rather busy day, I gathered a few posts for your perusal as you listen to Obama and Mitt: Obama gets Poll Axed on the day of the final Prez debate A prediction for tonite’s debate (“a predator”) Five Foreign Policy Questions for Obama The bias of Bob Schieffer GALLUP: … Read more

“Bad Luck”

As GraniteGrok is, in part, named from a word from Heinlein best seller “Stranger in a Strange Land” – grok), this is appropriate.  From Instapundit: THE ITALIAN JUSTICE SYSTEM HAS NOT BEEN COVERING ITSELF WITH GLORY LATELY: Italian scientists convicted over earthquake warning. This calls into mind Robert Heinlein: Throughout history, poverty is the normal … Read more

Live Blogging – tonite’s debate. We’ll be watching and trying something new

And that would be a widget from CoverItLive which should show our thoughts in real time as Mitt Romney and Barack Obama vie with each other and, perhaps, the moderator of the evening, CBS’s Bob Schieffer. I’ll bounce this post upward as we get close to 9pm this evening and the fun begins!

Obama and American workers: out of sight, never you mind…

(H/T: Mike Johnson)

This pretty much sums it up!

(H/T: Liberal Logic 101)

GrokTV: NRA President David Keene at the Londonderry Fish & Game – Part 3

Once the stump speeches by Ovide Lamontagne, Frank Guinta, and Charlie Bass were over, David Keene, President of the NRA, again took up the mic to give his closing remarks to the membership.  Drew Beamer, NH NRA Field Campaign Representative, then closed out the brief program, asking the assembled NRA members to take action.

 Given that President Obama “let the mask slip” concerning implementing new gun control on the nation (an issue in which he has ALWAYS voted for more restrictions rather than for more freedom, showing his distrust of lawful citizens without affecting the actions of criminals)…:

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This speaks for itself – women leaving Obama…

Yes, the polls are starting to show that the “Lady Parts” special interest group for Obama are starting their Preference Cascade as well. (H/T: Instapundit)

Prez Debate: Income Inequality; Obama chest puffs but his female staffers purses aren’t so big

It seems that the Left is all a-giggle that when Romney became MA Guv, he asked for “binders full of women” when he was in the process of fulfilling a campaign process to have a larger-then-normal-number of women in his Cabinet.  Is NOW screaming at the Obama campaign for making sport of Mitt for putting women at the same level as men when considering qualified employees?   Nope (like, you really thought that was going to happen??).  Look at their post – they’re all in for the Progressive in the campaign (er, that would be Obama).  In fact, this is what they said:

…When an audience member asked about equality in the workplace, President Obama rightly pointed to the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act as one of his signature achievements;

…In fact, many of Romney’s budget policies are job killers for women…

All that LLFPA does (its main component) is do a reset of the statute of limitation and gives the aggrieved a longer time in which to file a claim – which may well be happening in Obama’s own employ!  What Romney should have pointed out was this:

Female employees in the Obama White House make considerably less than their male colleagues, records show.

According to the 2011 annual report on White House staff, female employees earned a median annual salary of $60,000, which was about 18 percent less than the median salary for male employees ($71,000).

 That article also had this line in it:

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Yes, this kinda sums up the Obama campaign

(H/T: Instapundit)

Debate Round 2: Romney / Obama – what’s the outcome to be?

Will be tweeting out observations and outraged comments as both the need and spirit strikes.  Join us over at our feed; we’ll be using #GROK as our hashtag! Lots of tweets – my fingers hurt.  So, who do you think did the best or best in the different topics?  

Think of all the complaining Obama has done so far this term…

(H/T: Karen)

And for tonite’s debate….heh!

(H/T: Karen)

Obama: “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun” – Oops…

(H/T: Karen)

I just love that line from Mitt….

(H/T: Karen) – ‘Made In China’ – Part 3

I did not know that Erik Erikson was Russian!  Heh!  But adding onto Steve and Mike’s posts about how the Obama campaign is deliberately allowing “holes” in credit card processing for donations.  Well, Erik of RedState decided to push the envelope on seeing if his “inner Russian” could help Obama to the wire (reformatted, emphasis … Read more

Elections: all about choice

Nothing more needs to be added: (H/T: Karen)

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