NO, you are NOT an “Emotionally Mature Man”; You Fell For The Delusion That Being A Man Is Only Biological.

by Skip

That cutting off your boobs and perhaps, getting  prosthetic “junk” and hopping up on testosterone would be the end-all be-all.  These biological women and men that believe they can be the other sex seem to have no idea that the worldviews are completely different and that you just can’t swap one identity for another in the flash of a scalpel or a push of a syringe.

This is the lie that has been given to them, accelerated with the Second and Third Wave Feminist movements. The “You can be anything you want” is a total crock – sorry, aspirationally, sure. But if you can’t handle the academics, no, you’re not going to be an astrophysicist. Or a Brain surgeon.

And as this woman is crying over how hard and lonely being a man is, it shows that the culture and emotional makeup of women are compared to men…

Sidenote: there’s a REASON why men keep saying that a woman is impossible to know or understand (and yes, I’ve now been married to mine for over 42 years, and that STILL holds true). And I guess that women overthink what a man is or wants because, frankly, we’re much more simple. Hmm, this could be a whole series of posts, but not now.

And here is a very sad case of a woman realizing that it IS impossible to become a man – and now is even worse off than before (reformatted, emphasis mine):

These beliefs have become so ingrained into progressive culture that they are now doctrine.  The patriarchy is a fact, even though they have no proof of its existence.  Male privilege is a fact, even though women have all the same rights as men under the law in the western world.  And all men are violent and vicious towards women if given the chance, though, if that were true then feminism would not stand a chance of survival in America or Europe.  It would not be allowed to exist.

But what if the leftist perception is actually the opposite of reality?  What if women enjoy far more privileges than they could ever know? Libs Of TikTok gives us some insight into the conundrum with a recent post of a woman who “transitioned” into manhood, only to discover that being a man is so hard she now understands why men are much more likely to commit suicide…

First and foremost, it’s not enough to wear the costume of a man – Men are fundamentally and biologically different from women in every way, including how they process the world and deal with adversity.  Women enjoy the comfort of collective support and group affirmation, that is how they cope with hardship.  Men are far more likely to deal with the struggle alone; in fact, men often prefer to be alone in order to mentally regenerate.

No matter how much a woman wants to become a man due to the illusory privileges she thinks they have, she will never be a man in the head.  It’s not possible.

Or heart and emotional makeup. And we NEVER hear this aspect from the Alphabet Mafia. Certainly, not from Government Schools which seem to be a nexus point of all this.

And that’s true – almost complete opposites which is why we were created to be complementary to each other. We were made to complete each other – to fill the wholes and gaps that each sex has to the other. Is that melding perfectly? Do all those holes and seams perfectly aligned and filled?  Of course not; Life doesn’t work that way. But as this person is finding out, she’s just made it FAR more difficult (and I’d venture, far more dangerous) to find that what she was looking for.

No, she’s not an “emotionally mature man” – she can’t be. No man is going to be blubbering like she is over this. OK, some men, perhaps – but not for the world to see. But I’m betting that it’s closer to what other women would feel than other guys (but then again, I make no claim to being a woman).

And yes, while there are times a man doesn’t want to be alone, there are times it is necessary in order to sort stuff out – important, teeny-tiny, and everything in between, but Durden is right about this. It’s part of being a guy. Which most women, unless they are perfectly in tune with their man, just don’t understand or can accept.

It always seems to come down to human nature, doesn’t it – the grass is hardly EVER greener on the other side no matter what activists tell you.

And like with many posts, go read the whole thing and realize, we, via our Government, have done this to ourselves in many areas.

(H/T: ZeroHedge)

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