Is there something in our water?

by Doug
As Skip reported in this previous post, it has been revealed that our state’s taxpayer-subsidized university system has its very own version of Ward Churchill (9/11 victims = "little Eichmans")- UNH psychology professor William Woodward. The tenured professor  believes a secret group within the highest levels of the US government organized and perpetrated the September 11 attacks through the use of "steering pods" attached to the jetliners and explosives planted in the buildings.
Today’s Union Leader provides some further details about the professor’s courses and his classroom "teachings":
Woodward is teaching two courses this fall. PSYC 571 is described as an "historical introduction to some of the great psychologists and their classic works." The other course, PSYC 791, is a course that Woodward says he conceived a decade ago called "Psychology and Race."
In that course, he says, he introduces his 9/11 theory during a particular class session devoted to the subject of "state terrorism vs. individual terrorism."
Woodward said he shows a clip, roughly 10 minutes in length, from a film called "The Great Conspiracy: The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw." The film, produced and narrated by Canadian journalist Barrie Zwicker, contends the U.S. government’s account of the 9/11 attacks is "the overarching fiction and crime and coverup of our time."
In the film, Zwicker claims the Mexican-American War, the Spanish-American War and the attack on Pearl Harbor "all involved secretly contrived attacks on Americans planned or encouraged by American Presidents."
"Many spectacular acts of terrorism are fearsome fakeries carried out by cabals within governments," Zwicker says. "And I mean our own governments."
While our enemies are indoctrinating their children with an automaton-like desire to murder each and every one of us, this is the garbage some of our children are being taught (at taxpayer expense) in schools of "higher learning."
Guess what? Professor Woodward isn’t alone in having a platform here in NH to fill young minds with foolishness…

The August 30th Laconia Daily Sun (unavailable online) reported that a local Democratic event taking place would feature a “Middle East scholar” discussing the current “troubles in Lebanon, Israel, Iraq and Iran.”
The story said that the guest will talk about her concern that
the ceasefire between Hezbollah and Israel is not the end of this conflict, but just the beginning. We can make this one different, lasting. We can make this one work if we move away from our stereotypes and start seeing each other as human beings, and learn to empathize.
If only we tried to understand the enemy, we would then be at peace-What a bunch of horse-hooey!
The speaker at the Belknap County Democratic gathering is Filiz Otucu, Ph.D., assistant professor at Plymouth State University.
Add another name to the list of professors “teaching” in NH’s higher learning institutions without a clue about reality. Must be something in the water…


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