It Isn’t Getting Easier Being Green

I can’t recall how many leaders in the Republican’s War on Women have called on their misogynist foot soldiers to burn down Sandra Fluke’s house (or any of her defenders) for demanding we pay for her contraception; probably because there is no war from the Right, but even if there were, no one on the … Read more

New Hampshire Dead People (NHDP)

Rather than risk losing thousands of votes in college towns all over the state–votes cast by propagandized out of state residents to keep tax and spend democrats in office–standard left wing rhetoric has always demanded that any evidence of holes in the voting process be met with screaming at the sky, attacking opponents, crying about … Read more

Ya think, maybe, they shoulda said this, like, in an American city?

Seattle PI: ABA debates birthright US citizenship TORONTO (AP) — The American Bar Association will vote next week on a resolution urging the U.S. Congress to reject any changes to the Constitution that would eliminate the automatic grant of citizenship to anyone born in the United States. The association, which is holding its annual meeting … Read more

To find out more about the “Libertopia” film…

 …which is about the Free State Project… …go HERE, and sign up on their email list! (I just did.) The Free State Project. Great people who love liberty. A cool idea. And an even cooler reality. Progressives, socialists, and other statists hate us…which is good! (I, for one, wouldn’t have it any other way. Heh!)  

Part I: Whither the Free State Project…and Why We Should Care

The Free State Project (FSP) puts on two gatherings per year in New Hampshire. Both are meant to showcase our beautiful state as well as the FSP’s foundations of individual liberty, free enterprise, small government, low taxes, reduced spending, and personal responsibility that underlie the movement. One of them, the "Porcupine Freedom Festival"—popularly known as the "PorcFest"—is held during … Read more

The 2010 Census: New Hampshire and the Free State Project

The numbers on the 2010 Census were released two days ago. The reporting concentrated mostly on the big states like Texas and California, and states that gained or lost U.S. House seats (like Massachusetts, which—wiith their big-government, high-taxing socialist politics—lost two Congressional seats…oh joy!) But what about the Free State of New Hampshire? What do the numbers … Read more

Constitution Day

      On this day in 1787 the single greatest document in defense of liberty found life.  Take a moment to bask in its power and simplicity.   [Constitution for the United States of America]   We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure … Read more

Thirty Years of Living Hell. “Go ahead and make merry, enjoy the gift of life, but don’t let down your guard…”

  by Amil Imani For years, the U.S. State Department has called the Islamic Republic of Iran the world’s “most active state sponsor of terrorism,” For years, U.S. officials say the Islamic Republic of Iran has continued to provide funding, weapons, training, and sanctuary to numerous terrorist groups based in the Middle East and elsewhere, … Read more

Recent Phone Polls “Push” the Law…

UPDATE:  Jon from OnlyMorman wanted us to point out that Lindorf is a founder of the BYU business school Center for Entrepreneurship. He’s a volunteer and donor for the center at BYU.  -Skip   The blogosphere is going to be up late tonight doing what it does best: banding together to quickly piece together the … Read more