Round up of the Elite response to Brexit and brief thoughts on them

That would be the “beta males” referenced by Steve.  I have seen a ton of Chicken Little posts over the last few days so let me put up some snippets here.  However, let me quote David French who put it better than I could what has been causing my head to shake (and ache) over … Read more

Fergus Cullen, Republican Backstabber Like No Other

“Fergus Cullen…Obtuse…Myopic…Capitulant…If ever a progressive-leftist platform were to be authored, Cullen’s name would be all over it. He is an epic fail, A Backstabber,  rescued by none other than John Sununu.” -Rick Olson, Tuesday, October 6, 2009 (to UL City Hall Reporter, Scott Brooks) The above was said by me at some “shin-dig” to which … Read more

Pistol Envy?

William Tucker, the purveyor of pontification at Miscellany Blue, seems to have his lingerie all in a knot over the Women’s Defense League Poll demonstrating 71% of NH voters support ending the near century-long, state-sanctioned discrimination that is embodied in NH’s current pistol “licensing” statute, RSA 159:6. Rather than address the discrimination issue at hand, … Read more

Open carry versus concealed carry: Size matters

On Tuesday the Women’s Defense League of New Hampshire held a press conference to discuss the results of a poll they conducted. The poll proves that a majority of Granite Staters are against allowing the state-sanctioned discrimination of the current pistol license law to continue. The poll also showed that a whopping 89% of voters … Read more

Poll: 71 Percent of Granite Staters oppose pistol license law in NH

Yesterday the Women’s Defense League of New Hampshire (The League) released poll results that clearly show Granite Staters are not happy with the current pistol license law. Susan Olsen, Legislative Director for The League spoke at a press conference in the Legislative Office Building yesterday and explained the original intent of the law – discrimination. … Read more

Governor Hassan: End State Sanctioned Discrimination in New Hampshire

The Women’s Defense League of New Hampshire (WDL or ‘The League’) is asking Governor Hassan to end state-sanctioned discrimination in New Hampshire and to allow SB116 to become law. The League is holding a press conference in Concord today (in just a few minutes) in support of SB116 which would make the concealed carry pistol-revolver … Read more

GrokTALK! – Protecting Vote Stealers Part II

Ed Naile: “New Hampshire is going to have to explain why you want to protect out of state voters that steal my vote in New Hampshire. Tell us why the court system wants to do that, the ACLU wants to do that, the League of Women Voter(s) wants to do that, and the Secretary of … Read more

GrokTALK! – Protecting Vote Stealers Part II

Ed Naile: “New Hampshire is going to have to explain why you want to protect out of state voters that steal my vote in New Hampshire. Tell us why the court system wants to do that, the ACLU wants to do that, the League of Women Voter(s) wants to do that, and the Secretary of … Read more

Senator Hosmer is a condescending, clueless misogynist

Yesterday, Susan Olsen, former chairwoman for the Women’s Defense League of New Hampshire and current Legislative Director, sent an email to the entire New Hampshire Senate regarding SB 116 (email below). Some of her responses were simply canned “thank you for your email” while others were in support of the bill. There was one response … Read more

Carol-Shea Pay to Play?

Last week on GrokTALK! I remarked on a site that tracked donations to votes in congress and how New Hampshire Congress Person Carol Shea-Porter had a remarkable record.  Remarkable in that 93 percent of Carol-Shea Pay to Play’s votes could be correlated with cash donations to her Campaign within 30 days of her vote. Out … Read more

Screwy Lewis – In The News

How about a little credit everyone. I believe I was the first one to label Superior Court Judge John Lewis as “Screwy Lewis”. Having dealt with this arrogant, self-important, over-educated progressive judge for a number of years it is wholeheartedly rewarding to have the general public catch a glimpse of what his “court room” was … Read more

Sorry Lee Nyquist, Jeanne Shaheen is NOT a Moderate Senator

Before I expose the fraud perpetrated by Democrat Lee Nyquist in the Union Leader this past week, where he gushed about how Jeanne Shaheen is this respected, put together, moderate Senator, I have a quick question. If George Bush can be blamed almost a decade later for the Obama Administration Bureaucracy engaging in unprecedented intrusions … Read more

Are We at Their “Collective” Mercy?

The State Constitution says that you must be domiciled in New Hampshire to vote here. The legal definition of domicile is your residence.  By law you can only have one of these. But Judge Lewis allowed the ACLU’s “love the one you are with” definition of domicile to supersede the common law definition.  Anyone can … Read more

And if you think that I am misquoting Senator Jeanne Shaheen and saying she cherishes abortion over Liberty, read her own words

“…a power grab as Government is reaching into yet another part of our private lives to force us to fulfill the selfishness of Progressive politicians such as yourself, putting your ideology ahead of our freedoms”. From her own official US Senator website and the transcript of her Senate floor address from Feb 7.  Read through … Read more

GrokTALK! Special Interview – James O’Keefe of Project Veritas

Earlier this evening, I had the opportunity to talk with James O’Keefe of Project Veritas concerning the NH First In The Nation Voter Fraud video that has gone viral in the blogosphere and has ignited a firestorm of commentary and angst here in NH (and of course, we have commented upon it all starting here … Read more

Barbarians at the gate…

Here they come- like a host of zombies appearing over the horizon… it’s the (gasp!) PROGRESSIVES. They’re comin’ for me. They’re comin’ for you. Well, maybe not. But it sure looks like they’re comin’ for our wallets anyway. . Yesterday, many of the groups that purport to comprise the so-called "progressives" gathered together to build … Read more