Senator Hosmer is a condescending, clueless misogynist

Kimberly Morin

hosmersb116Yesterday, Susan Olsen, former chairwoman for the Women’s Defense League of New Hampshire and current Legislative Director, sent an email to the entire New Hampshire Senate regarding SB 116 (email below). Some of her responses were simply canned “thank you for your email” while others were in support of the bill. There was one response from a Democrat Senator that was so condescending, misogynist and rude it begs to be shared.

Senator Andrew Hosmer (Democrat – District 7) decided he’d rather treat Olsen as if she was nothing more than an uninformed “little woman.” What he apparently doesn’t realize is that Susan Olsen has a long history with the legislature and has worked with both parties on various legislation. Not only is Olsen a respected member of society (much more so than Hosmer could ever dream about being) but she is an expert when it comes to 2nd Amendment legislation.Below is the email that Olsen sent to the New Hampshire Senate:

Date: Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 8:08 AM
Subject: Support Women’s Rights – Support SB 116


SB 116 will allow women who are legally able to defend themselves and their children INSIDE their homes to legally defend themselves and their children OUTSIDE their homes without seeking the permission of the legislature and local law enforcement.

For a woman who has been the victim of domestic abuse or of stalking, the legislature and current law forces her to cower behind closed doors and drawn draperies for as long as 14 days while waiting for her local police chief to determine whether he believes she is “suitable” and, thus, able to defend herself while she drives her children to the pediatrician or, simply and as importantly, drive to work so she may earn a living to support those children.

Women had the right to carry loaded firearms for their own protection long before they were “allowed” to vote. Return that equal right to us – support SB 116.

Susan Olsen

Below is Hosmer’s response:

On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 9:05 AM, Legislative <> wrote:

Thanks for contacting me but your points are half baked at best.

As you can see, Senator Hosmer clearly doesn’t understand how to have a discussion with someone. He could have simply ignored Olsen’s email or he could have chosen to engage with her in a debate. Instead he chose to behave in a condescending, misogynist manner. Is this how they teach Senate Democrats to behave towards women? Or is this just the typical behavior of male Democrats towards women they may disagree with.

Clearly Hosmer doesn’t have the common sense or courtesy to treat those who may disagree with respect. Obviously Hosmer has issues with women because why would any sitting New Hampshire Senator who is a member of the party that pretends to be for women’s rights treat ANY woman such as he treated Ms. Olsen?

Hosmer didn’t even have the intelligence to argue how Olsen’s points were “half baked”. Every point in her email is spot on. Either Hosmer doesn’t understand the current law or doesn’t understand what SB 116 will do to help women in the exact scenario Olsen pointed out. Most likely, he’s just your typical Democrat.

Hosmer will probably vote however he is told by the Democrat Party rather than thinking for himself. That is par for the course. Hosmer barely won his senate seat. He only won by 131 votes against Kathy Lauer-Rago. Clearly the voters in his district don’t think as highly of him as he thinks of himself. Obviously Hosmer doesn’t think as highly of women as he pretends. Hosmer is nothing but a condescending, clueless misogynist.

Cross posted from Examiner


  • Kimberly Morin

    Kimberly Morin is a political activist in the Granite State. She is a lifelong Independent who calls out both sides of the aisle when they screw up. She's a weekly guest on the nationally syndicated radio show, Real Side with Joe Messina, and a frequent flyer on The Independence Gang.

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