Schoolhouse Rock is Dead


Back in the early 1970’s, before Liberals in Hollywood and the mainstream media completely destroyed this country, we saw these little cartoon vignettes on Saturday morning television, called “Schoolhouse Rock”.

Stuffed between Scooby Doo, Creature Double Feature, Batman, and The Monkeys, these shorts taught kids some basic grammar lessons (interjections, conjunctions), some basic math lessons (here and here), as well as the Preamble to the US Constitution (oh, the horror!), the Pilgrims and the Boston Tea Party, and how a bill becomes a law.

Can you imagine any of these being broadcast in this day and age?  I mean, think about it – we certainly can’t teach our kids about the structured systems of English grammar, mathematics, or government in this period of “high relativism”, can we?  Hell, these cartoons would completely contradict the politicized lessons taught in our current educational system, propelled by Common Core jet fuel.

Well, Saturday Night Live just presented a skit spoofing Schoolhouse Rock, admonishing Barack Hussein Obamas’s illegal amnesty Executive Order.


Oh, and maybe spend some time with your kids or grand-kids, watching some of the original Schoolhouse Rock, telling them what life was like in this country before the Socialists completely absorbed the media, killing its conscience.  However, know that Schoolhouse Rock experienced a brief rebirth in 2009, after the election (coronation) of Barack Obama.  These episodes, with their focus on Global Warming, Recycling, Rain Forests, and other politically-charged topics, unfortunately fell victim to the aforementioned destruction.  Schoolhouse Rock is Dead.



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