California’s power company has a WONDERFUL idea of how to stop wildfires!

(Image H/T: Especially those that its powerlines start, like those that turned out to kill innocents.  To save lives by fire, P&G may cause even more from stopping its product: PG&E’s Radical Plan to Prevent Wildfires: Shut Down the Power Grid. “When dangerously high winds arise this year, the utility says it will black out … Read more

Could EverSource State Supreme Court Victory Mean Lower Electric Rates in NH?

New Hampshire has a resource problem. We’ve too many ax-grinders protesting energy infrastructure projects but you can’t create electricity with those. Not legally. You need something else. Several somethings. But each and every effort to improve energy infrastructure in the Granite State is protested, blocked, or dragged out in court until the developers give up. … Read more

California Democrat Wants To Tax Energy Consumption from Bitcoin Mining

Is anyone surprised that a California Democrat Wants To Tax Energy Consumption from Bitcoin Mining? Bitcoin transactions require an enormous amount of energy. Dutch bank ING estimates that a single transaction consumes enough electricity to power a home for weeks. The expensive and energy-consuming verification process of transactions, otherwise known as mining, is meant to deter … Read more

Not content with turning birds into Icarus, Ivanpah decided to cook itself

How often do you hear about a solar energy plant self-immolating?  Yup, the same Obama boondoggle with our tax money that we’ve been writing about for years (bird burning, environment killing, proving solar energy isn’t free, bankrupt) decided to show us all that it could set itself on fire and kill off 2/3rds of itself: … Read more

Remember, the highest level of income inequality is in Blue State / Democrat run California

OC Register (emphasis mine): Across the nation, progressives increasingly look at California as a model state. This tendency has increased as climate change has emerged as the Democratic Party’s driving issue. To them, California’s recovery from a very tough recession is proof positive that you can impose ever greater regulation on everything from housing to … Read more

California Fried Wildlife

Mike covered this a while back, (maybe he can add the link I can’t find here).  Massive solar farms kill tens of thousands of bird annually.  Workers call them ‘Steamers’ for the rapid evacuation of moisture, previously keeping the bird alive, that escapes as the critter is quick-fried in flight before the carcass drops to … Read more

Who killed the electric car?

GM EV-1 So our friend Jorge sent us an email: Guys, I’ve just seen this movie “Who Killed the electric Car?”   I was familiar with part of the story but did not have all the information presented here.  It covers the period 1970 to 2005 and surveys the status of batteries, hydrogen, fuel cells, solar … Read more

Ford and American flag

Is The Pivot From EVs Underway?

I was never likely to buy a Hybrid vehicle – too expensive -but if you put that idea in the perspective of an energy transition, that would have been the only way to begin. Transition suggests a phasing in or out. What we got instead was an all-electric Vehicle vanguard. Push combustion engine vehicles off … Read more

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Friday Meme Overflow

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Many, many good ones!  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!  Also, don’t forget to chip in a little to the Grok, as you can.  Steve is doing yeoman’s work on this … Read more

EV charging electric vehicle

Is EV Manufacturing Exceeding Demand?

Car manufacturers make little, if any, money on EV sales. A dearth of charging stations discourages new buyers, who are also put off by high sticker prices. Sales of new electric vehicles have dropped off, as have used resale values.

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Many, many good ones!  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!