“Experts” Admit CO2 Greens The Earth … But That’s Bad!

Steve MacDonald

The Climate Cult’s Green Meanines have been blaming increased atmospheric CO2 for everything, including wildfires—and there is (sort of, kind of) a connection. Arsonists are starting fires when none begin on their own, and then the media and activists blame that on rising CO2.

Absent these acts of eco-terrorism, wildfires have declined in the modern era, but that’s no reason to slow your roll, and the Green goblins at UC Riverside have decided to take this argument out a whole new door.

CO2 is a trace gas in the Earth’s atmosphere, landing somewhere around 0.04% (even after the ‘damage’ caused by modernity). It is also essential to life on Earth, which thrives at significantly higher volumes. It is so critical that even the paltry rise in recent years has greened the planet. We’ve mentioned it a time or two. More CO2 means more robust and insect/disease-resistant plants. It is good for the biosphere and farming, especially in more arid regions.

F-you, the greens would say – that can’t possibly make up for the damage we claim it causes but can’t prove.

Introducing the newest new narrative. “CO2 worsens wildfires by helping plants grow.”

The worldwide surge in wildfires over the past decade is often attributed to the hotter, drier conditions of climate change. However, the study found that the effect of increasing levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) on plants may be a bigger factor.

“It’s not because it’s hotter that things are burning, it’s because there’s more fuel, in the form of plants,” said UCR doctoral student in Earth and planetary sciences and study author James Gomez.

Do you know what else causes wildfires? Rain. Rain makes plants grow (especially wildgrass), which can lead to more wildfires. Drought can lead to wildfires. The poor forest management favored by eco-terrorists. The Eco-Terrorists (who are more responsible for the alleged surge but are never mentioned in the UC Riverside article). Lightning. But yeah, um … CO2.

“To convert light into food in a process called photosynthesis, plants require CO2. Burning fossil fuels for heat, electricity, and transportation is adding increasing levels of CO2 into the atmosphere. Plants use the extra CO2 to make carbohydrates that help them grow, leading to an increase in biomass that burns.”

No CO2, no plants.

Another surprising admission, given the source

“We do need to implement better fire control and have more prescribed burns to use up plant fuel. We need to get rid of the old stuff,” Gomez said.

But Gomez may not eat or live as well if he doesn’t get more climate research grants, so,

“But the best way to decrease wildfires is to mitigate our carbon dioxide emissions. We need more emission control now.”

The issue with Gomez’s plan is that it relies on the West kneecapping itself, while second—and third-world countries are never going to give up a chance at indoor plumbing, flush toilets, and the longer life expectancy that comes from abundant, affordable energy, triple, and quadruple their “emissions.”

Nothing we do can or will address the alleged problem. Gomez and the rest of the Green Addams Family need to go to Asia, India, and Africa and explain to them why they need to continue to live in poverty to sustain the lie.

Or, Gomez could admit he’s a tool of the Marxist using this scam to undermine free markets and capitalism, but that would assume he knows the truth.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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