Well this is interesting….

Subject: Broken California. Question: Can this be true? Another question: How many agencies does New Hampshire have? Last question: How many should be abolished? EVER WONDER WHY CALIFORNIA IS BROKE?  But, unfortunately I’m sure that: New York, Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Jersey and Massachuetts aren’t much different. If you find this bad just imagine … Read more

A small, lean military to protect us from foreign invaders….

This just in from Jamie Dupress at wsbradio.com. Please read the following list and explain why each of these military construction projects are necessary to protect the United States from foreign invaders. This is why they call it "the Welfare-Warfare State." We must dismantle both sides of the government spending-monster, or continue our spiral downward as a nation.

“That’s the point. Jeanne Shaheen has been a consistent opponent of nuclear power and oil drilling, where there is oil, for 25 years before her latest poll led to her switch of positions.”

.          Seabrook Station, no thanks to Jeanne…              Offshore drilling? No way! I’ll git you my little pretties… hehehe! .                       Refineries? Nope!                              Assault on Seabrook. May 1, 1977 Back in the 80’s, former NH House Speaker Marshall Cobleigh spent many a Sunday morning debating future Governor Jeanne Shaheen on a number of issues. At the … Read more

Oh that Jeanne Shaheen, there she goes again!

… . Our friend Pat Hynes  at AnkleBitingPundits writes about Democrat Jeanne Shaheen, former governor and present candidate for US Senate, hopping aboard the Bush derangement bandwagon… I was wondering when the “Bush Caused the Wildfires” mantra would start. I just didn’t think it would start in my Granite State of New Hampshire and that it would come out of the … Read more