Scott Brown – lying on the campaign trail now, sir?


 A Merrimack business group rescinded its invitation for a one-on-one meeting with Republican Senate candidate Scott Brown after concluding that Brown ducked showing up at a forum with his GOP primary rivals. Merrimack Business Association President David McCray said it’s clear to him Brown’s campaign was untruthful that he couldn’t make a June 18 forum with other candidates in the town because of a scheduling conflict.  In a letter to Brown campaign officials, McCray said the invitation was extended more than six weeks ago.

McCray cited an editorial in The Telegraph that revealed Brown’s campaign had sought to have the candidate meet with the newspaper’s editorial board during the day on June 18.

Why would Brown associate with a shell company?
Why would Brown associate with a shell company?

Steve wrote about this here (and Mike on the shell company) but I wanted to add my two cents (and Mike has the story on He may not be able to say it, but we here at the ‘Grok can say what others only WISH they could say:  IT CERTAINLY LOOKS LIKE SCOTT BROWN OUTRIGHT LIED TO YOU, doesn’t it?  After all, the leader is responsible for the actions and statements of those underneath him.  It works both in civilian life and in the military world.  Else, how could Brown tell the Merrimack Business Association to go pound sand while at the same time trying to firm up time with the Telegraph board??

So, Scott Brown, you used a media outlet as a cover to screw over a forum in which you’d be a sitting duck in being directly compared to your competition.  Sure, you’ve accepted the big TV event debate – but that’s not how campaigning works here in NH.  Sure, you’ve been on whirlwind tours all over the state like a kid without his Ritalin (trust me, I know how truly diagnosed ADHD kids are without it), but only on your terms and only as a solo act.  Not participating in all the debates tells New Hampshireits “I’m much bigger than those events – let those be only for the lesser candidates“.  Guess you’ve been looking for a bigger hat, too, eh?

The article continues:

“When your campaign declined the invitation due to a conflicting engagement, I took you at your word and felt it was fair to give Senator Brown another date to be heard by the Merrimack Business Association, but in light of not seeing proof that an engagement on June 18th was scheduled prior to April 23rd is truly the case and in trying to be fair to all, we will not allow him to have a separate meeting where he will not have to engage with the other candidates,” McCray wrote.

…A Brown campaign spokesman denied the former U.S. senator from Massachusetts was avoiding his competition.

“Scott Brown is participating in a WMUR forum with the other GOP primary candidates on June 20, and has also accepted an invitation to debate in September,” said Lizzy Guyton, Brown’s communications director.

Spinning, spinning, spinning.  Your candidate got caught, and got caught GOOD.  Face it, you are not going to be able to get rid of that “I won’t debate meme” – we’ll keep that going.  But worse, YOUR CAMPAIGN LIED!  And I notice that Lizzy Guyton didn’t address the LIE part – only the usual spin from the species known as “Politicius Flackerities”.  I bet this whole time,  Guyton and Hynsie are kvetching “Awe crapola – how do I face this with a straight face”?  Well, pretty much the same way that Jay Carney did for Obama, I guess.

Like I said, perhaps it is because it is a “big TV” event – only that rises to the level of a Brown participation??

Brown made official his candidacy by signing up at Secretary of State Bill Gardner’s office Thursday.

“I’m running for the United States Senate because I care about New Hampshire,” Brown said.

Because nothing says “I care” like lying to New Hampshire voters, eh?  And this is just a bonus:

A short time after filing his candidacy, Brown confirmed he was resigning his position on the company’s advisory board.

“It’s clear from recent media reports that my continued role with the company would be an unnecessary and unwanted distraction,” Brown said in a statement. “I want the people of New Hampshire to know they are my top priority. Therefore, I am resigning my advisory position with the company and relinquishing all my rights to the restricted stock that has been granted me, effective immediately.”

Yeah, you got caught on the second act know, eh?  This speaks to competency – what candidate would continue such a relationship, or even start up with one, if campaigning for one of the nation’s highest elected offices was in your near future?

But that is secondary – more importantly is now the perception that you are willing to lie on the littler things to be able to get to the bigger things.  New Hampshire is a little state – what’s the bigger thing?


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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