Disturbing UNH Campus Climate Report Never Mentions Free Speech

Last September, the University System of New Hampshire released a preliminary report on Campus Climate. Its purpose was to institutionalize the bunching of panties after students wearing sombreros and fake mustaches at a Cinco de Mayo party on campus rustled some social justice jimmies. The report began the long process of navel-gazing over Kampus Klimate and the Komplexities of what … Read more

Google Accused Of Underpaying Female Employees

Make them play by their own rules. Just three days after Google announced that it had “closed the gender pay gap globally” on Equal Pay Day, a Department of Labor official testified in federal court that there is “systemic” discrimination against women at Google. Silicon Valley has often come under fire in recent years for … Read more

GrokTALK! May 31st, 2014 – Chris P. Bacon

The first segment is a free for all, so we’ve got School lunch fall out, Mao suits, and then Grok Commenter Chris P. Bacon calls in to pile on about the intolerant left, California gun laws, how the media just makes stuff up, reminiscing about C.dog, and the climate in the Golden State.

A Letter Home From China

From Bob Bestani on business in Bejing… [Ed. note: What does it say about China when 2 ‘Groksters are there at the same time for different business activities? Terry, contributor to GilfordGrok, writes of his time in China here and here.] After nearly a quarter century of visiting China, this country never ceases to amaze. … Read more

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Exeter High School Officials Lied in “Only Two Genders” Case

In the halcyon days of 2021, the Exter School District made all sorts of news. In June, we broke a story that went national about how the High School managed unvaccinated prom attendees. And why not? The Exeter Regional School District already had a long line of embarrassing reports exposing its woke, anti-liberty tendencies (and lawsuits … Read more

GrokSHOTS! – We Need a Law

California passed 11 new anti-gun laws after Sandy Hook.  When Elliot Rodgers, wielding knife, gun, and BMW, decided to kill, none of that mattered. The left’s answer to this, and everything, is that we need a law (another law) that will only disarm the law-abiding and reduce them to victims of crazy folks and evil-doers, … Read more

GrokSHOT – Getting Your Panties In a Wad

One of our favorite commenters is Chris P. Bacon.  We like him because he has a way with words and he takes no prisoners.  He is also ready to take on anyone on any side of any issue, and he does.  He comments on conservative and progressive sites; and he has an observation to make … Read more

Ignoble Quote – President Barack Hussein Obama

“What’s more important?” he asked. “Doing whatever it takes to get an A grade from the gun lobby that contributes to their campaign or giving parents some peace of mind when they drop their child off for first grade?”  – President Barack Hussein Obama (1/16/13, on issuing 23 Executive Orders on Government gun control) Once … Read more

Liberal-Islamist Alliance

.. Presently, fanatical Islamists are lashing out with mad fury before their own final demise. The “infidel” world has been complicit in the surge of Islamism through its mistakes, complacency, and greed. Our academia leftists even engage in willful misinformation and deception when it suits them. Terms such as “Political Islam,” or “Radical Islam,” for … Read more