Your Prayers Are Needed – Patriot Pastor Garrett Lear Injured

(Editor: This post is temporarily ‘pinned’ to the top of the page.  Please scroll down for new content.) He was able to have this posted: “On Sat. 1/18 @ 3:15 pm on RT 109 in Brookfield after speaking/marching at The Annual March For Life Pro Life event in The State Capitol (my 25th year) I … Read more

‘Relative to Seizure of Firearms….’

The same state government that claims it can determine intent when it comes to domicile, see also every OFA college kid who parachuted in, voted here, and immediately left after the election (some from the homes of emloyees of the AG’s Office) is now looking for the authority to guess the intent of anyone who … Read more

Breaking News: NH Judge Tosses Out Voter ID Law

This just in.  Judge Lewis (the Fixer) in Strafford County Court, has caved to the League of Women Voters and other left wing interests and tossed the New Hampshire voter ID law under the  bus. I do not have the specifics of the decision, but it is already being challenged and will likely have go … Read more

NH Democrat State Senator Matthew Houde’s Conflict of Interest

Nowhere on New Hampshire State Senator, Democrat Matt Houde’s Bio Page does it mention that he is employed as a Lobbyist for Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center (DHMC) .  I guess they forgot to update it? So when the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire (Disclosure- I am on the RLCNH board), asked Senator Houde to step … Read more

William Jasmin: Alcohol Level Was .16 When He Fell

“Actually, it only takes one drink to get me loaded. Trouble is, I can’t remember if it’s the thirteenth or fourteenth.”—George Burns William Jasmin of Manchester is suing Charlie Corliss of Epsom where he suffered from injuries sustained when he fell from a tree stand on Corliss’ property, first alleged that he was, “hunting”.  Jasmin … Read more

Is John Edwards a Scumbag?

It should be a rhetorical question but after Tweeting John Edwards latest declaration of Ass-hattedness to Twitter and Facebook ( -sorry the Grok link plug in is glitching) the question was asked:

More thin gruel from Dean at Blue Hampshire

I was wandering around the ‘Net and saw that Dean decided to go after Vicki over at TBONH.  The pretext was that since the writer behind TBONH had been anonymous in taking on Democrats (and others) from a Conservative standpoint, he decided to highlight her take on THE social issue for the Left / Progressives … Read more

MTNP Radio. Hold on tight. It’s going to be a WILD RIDE!

     UPDATE: Fixed with the help of Dirk, the Station Engineer! PLEASE NOTE: We are experiencing technical problems with the live stream – our "phone" guests are being heard by our "over the air" listeners but not being delivered to our live stream We apologize for the problem. Taking off Saturday morning at 9 am! … Read more

Send out the call: NH Republicans in need of a Governor candidate!

  Guest post by Dean Dexter… In the news: State Superior Court Judge, sitting in Belknap County, Says Lynch Grab for Surplus Malpractice Fund is an "Unconstitutional Taking of Private Property" and violates U.S. Constitutional protections under Contract Law (enshrined by New Hampshire’s own Daniel Webster in the Dartmouth College case [click here], by the … Read more

More proof the libs can’t take the heat… and have a REAL discussion about the issues they so greatly care about.

Bishop & Nate… Afraid to debate? As noted in this previous post, I linked to Dartmouth senior Nathan’s piece at the Wayward Episcopalian blog where he’s put forth the call for suggestions of what he should ask NH’s openly gay Episcopal bishop Eugene Robinson in an interview he’s conducting with him later this week. Earlier this morning, I … Read more

Obama and Hillary. Jay and Jeanne. Soap and Dirt…

….                                  Jeanne Shaheen                "Billy"               Dr. Jay Buckey . As I watched this weekend’s roundtable discussion on Fox News Sunday, I had to chuckle when Juan Williams mentioned Billy Shaheen as they talked about the ongoing nastiness being unleashed against Barack Obama by the Clinton campaign. Ah yes, Billy Shaheen, gone, but not forgotten. And just … Read more

Sununu’s potential challengers. The list grows… So does my concern.

The list of challengers grows, and the number of campaign days dwindle as election day comes ever nearer for NH Senator John E. Sununu. As I noted in this post , David Hogberg, writing in the American Spectator in November, opined The most vulnerable Republicans are probably Norm Coleman of Minnesota, Wayne Allard of Colorado, and John Sununu of … Read more

Doesn’t this guy have anything better to do?

Today’s New Hampshire Union Leader is reporting on yet another attempt at the destruction of tradition and pride in the name of "tolerance." Reporter Riley Yates writes MANCHESTER – The school board will review the mascots of Central and Memorial high schools, after a former student complained they are offensive to some minorities. . Last … Read more

Pataki joins the fray…

We can now officially add another name to the growing list of probable Republican candidates gearing up for a run at NH’s still "almost first in the nation" presidential nominating process- NY Governor George Pataki. As Chan Eddy over at WeekendPundit noted, Pataki opened a campaign office here in NH last Monday. Engaging in the normal … Read more