Pataki joins the fray…

by Doug
We can now officially add another name to the growing list of probable Republican candidates gearing up for a run at NH’s still "almost first in the nation" presidential nominating process- NY Governor George Pataki. As Chan Eddy over at WeekendPundit noted, Pataki opened a campaign office here in NH last Monday. Engaging in the normal charade for politicians seeking the office, the NY Gov. insists that it has nothing to do with the Presidential election of 2008. Chan quotes, from Newsnine, Pataki on the office’s opening:
he insisted his sites [sic] aren’t set any further than the election five weeks away.
"This is about ’06," he said. "It really is."
Of course it is. He just wants to help Republicans win because he cares deeply about Republicanism. That, and he seeks a return favor for the NH Primary, no doubt. But that’s OK, because this is America, after all… more specifically, NH, where we tend to love our politics, and pride ourselves on the fact that one can still run into politicians and wannabees at even the smallest of local restaurants and watering holes. The Oct. 9th Citizen Online reports on Pataki’s weekend visit to NH:
It’s not quite the presidential campaign season, but on Sunday morning a small group of area residents had the distinction of following a time-honored New Hampshire tradition — getting to meet a nationally known politician while they had breakfast.
New York Gov. George Pataki and his wife Libby visited New Hampshire this weekend to attend the Dartmouth-Yale football game (Pataki is a Yale graduate) in Hanover, and they also spent a night in Alton and did some boating with state Rep. Mike Whalley and his wife, Purr. Pataki also noted that two of his four children, Owen and Allie, had attended summer camp on Winnipesaukee at Camp Deer Run.
Ah yes, it’s that time again when suddenly every politician has some tie to NH- especially presidential aspirants. "Ich bin ein Berliner, NH!" shouted Pataki in the restaurant. Well, not really, but it’s not too hard to imagine him and his fellow wannabees saying such a thing.
The Citizen reports on Mr. Pataki’s resume:
Pataki, first elected in 1994, is now the longest-serving governor in the U.S. He also spent a decade in the New York state Legislature and was once the mayor of Peekskill, N.Y. As the governor of a major state and as one of the highest-profile moderates in his party, he has often been mentioned as a possible presidential candidate.
High profile moderate? Longest serving governor hailing from one of the most Democrat states in the country? Home of Hillary and Chuck Schumer… I know that Mr. Pataki will be politely received and treated by the folks here in NH, but presidential material? Naah. There’s not much in the package to excite too many of the Republicans that I know, other than perhaps a RINO (Republican In Name Only) or two…


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