Your Prayers Are Needed – Patriot Pastor Garrett Lear Injured

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He was able to have this posted:

“On Sat. 1/18 @ 3:15 pm on RT 109 in Brookfield after speaking/marching at The Annual March For Life Pro Life event in The State Capitol (my 25th year) I swerved on a snowy icy road to miss hitting an old car with kids and went into a ditch and hit a tree. Broke my neck in a few places, totaled the jeep, spent until 1/21 6 pm in the hospital @ Dartmouth Hitchcock Trauma.

Doing better than expected, but a long hard haul back…. but by the grace of GOD who kept me alive, walking and talking i will be back on course.

The more I know of it by talking to medical, emergency, police, and auto salvage and the 500 or so people I have ministered to through this I have experienced a miraculous event… is this what it takes for America to have a revival?

If the devil was trying to kill The Patriot Pastor all he killed was an old red jeep (and may be a NH pine tree won’t know that until spring).”

Romans 8:2828 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purposeThanks for your love & prayers.

“ALLWAYS” FOR JESUS still praising HIM even louder & stronger Blessings <o))))))>< gl

Garrett Lear “The Patriot Pastor” (with 393 years of ancestry in America) & The Heroes of American Liberty (The 21st century “Black Robed Regiment”)”

Garrett Lear, the Patriot Pastor
Garrett Lear, the Patriot Pastor
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