Remember Seth Moulton? He of the church of the sudden change of heart. The Massachusetts Congressman did a complete 180 from pro-trans sports to keep the boys off the girls’ teams and his fellow Democrats have been howling ever since.
It reminds me of how NH Dems responded to local Democrat Jonah Wheeler when he publicly objected to neutering children on the altar of the transgender agenda. They threatened him and then tried to primary him, but it didn’t take. He won re-election.
Moulton says he will likely be primaried for his views as well—views he can’t even talk about as if that just started happening.
“We seem to have a set of liberal litmus tests, and if you don’t meet those litmus tests, then you’re not even allowed to share your opinion,” Moulton told Berman. “I mean, this is the attitude that a lot of Americans feel the Democratic Party takes to the entire country. If you don’t agree with us, then not only are you wrong, but you’re a bad person and these things are not up for debate.”
Before we cheer over Moulon’s free speech come-to-Jesus moment (he’s having quite the post-election transition), let us recall that this is not his first visit to our pages. In 2019, he compared supporting abortion to supporting the troops. It’s just this patriotic thing you do which sounds a lot like something Hitler would say about gassing gypsies and Jews. He has also taken the odd shot at New Hampshire.
So, aside from the apparent script flip on boys in girls’ sports and the necessary free-speech positioning required to talk about that, he’s your typical Massachusetts Democrat who said the right thing out loud – whether he believes it or not – and must be punished.
“I probably will be primaried, and that’s — that just proves my point, is that you can’t speak a sentence that’s out of line and not get backlash from the left, but that’s okay,” Moulton said. “This is a democracy. I’m going to speak my mind, I’m going to give voice to the concerns that I hear from the constituents that I represent and I’m going to keep doing that.”
Massachusetts is full of Democrats. The entire state is a partisan political ghetto.
Bristol County is the only place where Trump even came close, losing to Harris by just over 1%. If Dems want Moulton out, they can find a girl who is a boy and see if he’s right. Are his constituents concerned about the boys-in-girls sports issue or just talking about it out loud? Moulton mentioned litmus tests, so how about it, Bay State Dems? Find a transgirl – you must know a million of them – and run one against Moulton in 2026.
Or, and this seems more likely, they will find a woman who was never a man but knows better than to suggest any deviation from the approved narrative and give her all the campaign money. Maybe even a woman of color. And that will work in Massachusetts, but Moulton’s not wrong. Americans are concerned about a political party obsessed with drugging and neutering kids. They are also alarmed at how vicious the left can be if you dare to start a discussion that doesn’t advocate for their position.
Moulton is not your problem, Democrats. Your priorities are what’s wrong.