Hassan’s Heated Hearing Performance, “Bought” To You By Big Pharma!

by Steve MacDonald

In a not-so-strange coincidence, the amount of outrage, sorry, I mean objection directed at Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at his confirmation hearing can be tied to the amount of money the concerned “watchdog” Senator has received from … Big Pharma.

A clip of New Hampshire’s own Margaret Wood Hassan made the rounds on X with the #nhpolitic tag, in which she attempts to preen and posture and NH State Dem Party Chair Ray Buckley wasn’t the least bit embarrassed by this nonsense.

Hassan should have worn a white lab coat for that bit because everything she knew about science and medicine was explained to her by Big Pharma. And anyone who thought she was looking out for her constituents needs to reach into the big bag of crap sandwiches she brought with her.

Sen. Hassan has benefited from Big Pharma’s largesse, so we can guess where she gets her settled science – in a note with the check.

Hassan is number seven on the list of Democrat Senators pretending to be concerned about who the secretary of HHS is because any serious oversight of Big Pharma’s wild-west antics could prove detrimental to their donation numbers.

Yes. Democrat Senators asking whether RFKJ is compromised or could be…are compromised. They have a financial interest in who takes the job, but this sort of transparency is left for blogs and new media to explore (and share). We are happy to be part of that team.

Unsurprisingly, Lizard Warren and Bernie Sanders did more than any tag team to embarrass themselves and their party at the hearing, which is explained by the more than one million they have each received from the industry RFKJ would be responsible for regulating. But Big Pharma doesn’t want more oversight, more paperwork, or to have to answer for their poor clinical trials, harmful “treatments,” or vast investments in government bureaucrats and “scientists” tasked with approving their products.

They don’t want anyone to reduce the number of vaccinations on the childhood schedule because it would cost them a lot of money to have millions of guaranteed sales yearly. The fact that it may be unnecessary or harmful isn’t even a topic they want discussed.

Liz Warren even tried to claim RFKJ wanted to sue them to enrich himself (talk about hypocrisy). Here’s his answer.

Were Big Pharma to lose their special permissions, exemptions, immunity, or government-mandated revenue streams, Bernie, Liz, and Maggie, might get hit hard. So, go back and look at their “grilling” of the nominee with that in mind.

Big Pharma is big business for these Democrat Senators, and nothing else about this matters (not even after the criminal lies around COVID shots), especially when they have the gall to suggest the nominee is or would be compromised.

RFJK called them out (Bernie got mad).


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at GraniteGrok.com. Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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