Who Is The Dictator

Barack Obama, having been ordered by George and Alex Soros, sent the memo to the leftist faithful through the mouth of David Axelrod (who looks like Hitler) to always call President Donald Trump a dictator. Any politically astute observer knows this is simply the most recent example of Demolitioncrat projection.

The dictator surely is the Biden Administration and its war on conservatives.

Having inflicted a mentally comprised POTUS upon the American electorate by stealing the 2020 election from United States citizens, the Demolitioncrats in the House of Representatives voted nearly unanimously this week against the “Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act” (SAVE ACT), a Bill that requires voters provide documentary proof of citizenship when registering to vote. Query whether this vote is connected to the Demolitioncrats allowing 15 million illegal aliens to cross the Southern border.

Additionally, endless Biden gaffes have exposed his mental incapacity over his entire presidency. The Demolitioncrats and Mainstream Media pretended otherwise and insisted we could not believe our lying eyes and ears. Then, two weeks ago, Biden’s debate performance exposed the most corrupt cover-up in American history. The prevaricating media and the Demolitioncrats expect us to believe this mental incapacity happened overnight.

The real cabal of dictators – the Soroses, Obamas, and Clintons-have used Biden’s dementia to impose a Demolitioncrat Dictatorship upon the United States. The sham Engoron and Marchand trials of President Trump, the imprisonment of Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon, and the endless harassment and disbarment of Trump’s lawyers, including Rudi Guiliani and John Eastman (see the American Conservative Website) is a shortlist of Demolitioncrat atrocities.

Thank God for Donald Trump because, as he says, “ They are after you; I am standing in their way.”

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