Everyone keeps looking around wondering how someone can resort to violence in this political culture. Look no further than your local public schools.
You may wonder how that can be since schools are focusing on nurturing a child’s social and emotional well being. You’d be lying to yourself.
Public schools are breeding activism, and if you tie in the vitriol coming from political pundits, you can see that they are building the fire of political activism mixed with violence and hatred.
Looking back to the George Floyd killing, this country came together in horror watching a man killed during an arrest. That unity was short lived when the reaction turned violent. We saw Antifa and BLM burn down cities, beat and kill innocent people, and all of this was dismissed by politicians on the left.
These are trained Marxists who carried their violence to the Gaza protests. Now we watch as President Trump was a target of an assassination. What is going on?
Public schools should be focused on teaching Civics and how a Republic works. We institute change at the ballot box. There is no need for bloody coups when we have a system of government that allows the people to govern. There is no need for violence. If you don’t like your politician, run for office or support another candidate.
Republicans have walked away from public schools, and allowed this to happen. They pay their local schools to create activists.
Here how that happens:
1) Schools no longer teach the foundation of a Republic.
2) Action Civics Replaces Citizenship with Partisanship.
When you add in how public education has been dumbed down, you have a recipe for an illiterate political activist.
Now that schools have implemented the Multi Tiered System of Support – Behavior, which includes Social and Emotional Learning, you can expect more of this.
CASEL is the gatekeeper for all SEL programs used in our schools. CASEL is making sure that those who are trained to administer SEL, consider themselves “rebels.” They are told to break the rules, and resist. This is all we hear from trained Marxists. Disrupt ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyYYNec2tzE (Go to 52 mark)
Schools need to focus on Civics knowledge, not on activism. Learning how our government works would go a long way in teaching children the academic component that they are lacking right now.
Many children have never read the founding documents. Can they name the three branches of government? How a Bill becomes a law? Do they know the main ideas behind the Declaration of Independence? Are they learning about the arguments between Jefferson and Hamilton? Do they know who were the Abolitionists?
There is so much content that should be learned, but schools are instead focused on turning kids into activists.
Watch this video of former Asst. Superintendent David Ryan when he worked in Manchester. He will show you how they were focused on turning children into community organizers:
Expect things to get worse until we decide that public education is for educating children, not for creating radicalized community organizers.