mental health anxiety pshchitzophrenia

Banfield: Teaching Violence Begins In Public Schools

Everyone keeps looking around wondering how someone can resort to violence in this political culture. Look no further than your local public schools. You may wonder how that can be since schools are focusing on nurturing a child’s social and emotional well being. You’d be lying to yourself. Public schools are breeding activism, and if … Read more

White House Photo by Michael Schofield on Unsplash

Cardello: The Blood Of Trump Is On You Joe

Joe Biden cranked up the rhetoric. He cannot touch Donald Trump on the policies or results. He has gone personal and is making Donald Trump out to be the greatest threat to Democracy in our history. You told your followers that Donald Trump was someone who needed to be stopped. Those people knew you were … Read more

[Update …4,5…] Shots Fired at Trump Rally! President Escorted Away by Secret Service

President Trump was rushed off stage during a PA Rally by the Secret Service after a series of pops that sounded like gunfire. President Trump appears to have been clipped in the ear, blood evident in photos from the scene.

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Trump mug shot

Is Joe Scarborough Trying To Instigate The Assassination Of Trump?

It sure sounds like “Morning Joe,” … a/k/a Joe Scarborough … was trying to instigate the assassination of Trump in this twisted, unhinged rant claiming that Trump is planning to incarcerate and kill his political opponents. Needless to say, “Morning Joe” is engaging in projection.

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Former CIA Director Calls For Assassination Of Republican Senator

It’s not enough any longer for some on the Left to simply jail their political opponents. Now it’s assassinations. See how fast this is moving? And NOTHING will happen to CIA Director “General” Michael Hayden.

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