It has been a week since the attempt to assassinate Donald Trump. This image of Trump’s utter defiance of what someone tried to do is just so elemental; I told people that it would become the new campaign image. Little did I know that in the passing days how it should be such an image of both adoration and hatred.
Those on the Right have been drawn to it.
Those on the Left hate it, and there is a movement now to “cancel” it because the Left KNOWS how powerful it is.
Even as Never Trumpers, they understand the Trump marketing genius he shows, even under fire – ESPECIALLY because of that! They are out of their minds knowing that people are drawn to those that show strength and fearlessness while under such duress.
And they fear the mental comparisons that the electorate is making between the “They are trying to kill us – FIGHT BACK” in that image and their President, doddering, slurring his words and thoughts, just one level before the walker, wandering around a stage until the Elder Abuser comes to walk him off the stage.
Who would you follow as America appears to be heading towards the Gates of Hell, both domestically and internationally?