China America Money

Keene High School Took a 10K Grant From CCP Connected Asia Society

Chinese influence operations in American Education have focused primarily on Colleges and Universities. For example, after years of warnings, UNH ended its Confucius Institute in 2021 (UNH is still getting CCP grant money through 2024). But China has also invested millions in public schools.

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Constititutional convention

Three Essentials to Understand the Constitution

Textualism is a prominent framework for interpreting the Constitution, particularly in conservative circles. Adherents of this school generally believe you can understand the Constitution simply by reading the words in the document and determining the “plain meaning” of the text. This differs from the “intent” of the framers or the “original meaning” as understood by … Read more

George Washington

Today in History: The Fairfax Resolves Adopted – Condemning British Constitutional Violations

On July 18, 1774, a committee led by George Washington in Fairfax County, Virginia, voted to adopt the Fairfax Resolves condemning British actions against the colonies and calling for an embargo on British imports and exports. It represented growing colonial resistance, which ultimately led to a British gun control program and the march on Lexington and … Read more

Ben and Jerry VW van Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

Ben & Jerry’s Says, “Hold My Bud Light!”

Okay… So, by now you have probably heard that Ben & Jerry’s, in a “Hold my Bud Light” attempt to see who can alienate the most customers with one Tweet, kicked off July 4th with the statement, “It’s high time we recognize that the US exists on stolen Indigenous land and commit to returning it.”

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Brookfield Author John Klar Releases New Farming Book

Attorney and farmer John Klar has released a book with Vermont’s Chelsea Green Publishing titled Small Farm Republic: Why Conservatives Must Embrace Local Agriculture, Reject Climate Alarmism, and Lead an Environmental Revival.

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NH State House - Pic by SteveM

SB272 Parental Rights, still needs your support/help

These are the final numbers posted online for SB272 Support: 2010 | Oppose: 2911 | Neutral: 2 Next steps, the Committee with have a vote on this probably next week and then on to the House for a full floor vote either on May 4th, 11th or 18th which it must pass (OTP) or will die.

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Laptop Pixaby student-849825_640

SUPPORT SB272 Parental Rights Bill

If you haven’t already, please take 1 minute and register your support for the Senate version of the Parental Rights bill; if you already did register, thanks. Take an extra couple of minutes and pass along for others to register their support. Our kids need to be protected!!!!

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STD cartoon for kids itches

Online High School Secrets!!!

I’m coming clean about the online secrets amongst teens in public high schools. I’m outing the savvy kids methods to mess around with whatever they want to on their Chromebooks.

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NH Health Freedom Logo

Children’s Health Defense New England – Facing the Data: Covid-19

Health Freedom New Hampshire and Children’s Health Defense New England Chapter teamed up for this presentation on February 18, 2023, at Hope Chapel in Keene, New Hampshire.

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NH House Session

So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (Feb 22-23)?

We learned that when Republicans show up and stay for the session, we can stop bad bills and move along good ones. That was the main theme throughout the 2-day voting marathon. Apparently, we were still unable to stop some very bad bills, too (read on).

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Pastor William Levi

The Bible or the Axe: A Presentation by Pastor William Levi

Camp Constitution was honored to sponsor recent speaking engagements in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire for Pastor William Levi, founder of Operation Nehemiah Missions and the author of The Bible or the Axe.

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The Bible or the Axe WIllima O Levi

Camp Constitution Speakers’ Bureau Presents “The Bible or the Axe: One Man’s Dramatic Escape from Persecution…

Exile. Persecution. Torture. The riveting story of one man’s escape from Sudan. By the banks of the Kulo-jobi River, a young Sudanese boy is faced with a decision that will shape the rest of his life.

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Chanelle Bjelkengren - You tube hearing screen grab

Camp Constitution Offers Judge Free Tuition to Avoid Further Embarrassment When Questioned About the Constitution

On January 25, during her confirmation hearing in front of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, Charnelle Bjelkengren was asked by Senator John Kennedy if she knew what Article V of the U.S. Constitution does. She said that it didn’t come to mind.

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news newspaper fire original Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

Things We Won’t Talk About

Over the past few years, the list of things most Americans won’t speak of or discuss has become a long list. A recent addition to that list is the dramatic increase of people “suddenly dying” since around October 2021. Why is there a huge increase in excess deaths across Western Civilization?

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Thomas Paine - Smithsonian

Common Sense: A Scathing Attack on Unlimited, Centralized Power

January 10, 1776. Today in history, Thomas Paine published the first edition of Common Sense – a 47-page pamphlet that defended and inspired the cause of independence like no other. (check out this podcast on Common Sense here) Leading historians have called it one of the “most brilliant ever written in the English language.”

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Camp Constitution 2023 In Defense pic

Camp Constitution Announces Its 15th Annual Family Camp

 Camp Constitution will hold its 15th Annual Family Camp at the Singing Hills Christian Camp Plainfield, NH. from Sunday, July 16 to Friday, July 21, 2023

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US Capitol - caution Original Photo by Andy Feliciotti on Unsplash

US Congress, the Peoples House Proves It’s a Rigged, Uniparty, Dictatorship

This week the American public is seeing in full colors how our country has been taken over. It’s quoted that this hasn’t happened until the last civil war, which could be a foreshadowing of things to come

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Rebuild NH

Reopen NH: Legislative Session Kicks Off!

The legislative season is off to the races and RebuildNH will be updating you more frequently to keep you informed about bills, hearings, sessions, and activism needed. We will email you with all the most important updates, but for up to the minute updates follow us on Twitter and Telegram.

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A Private Tutor for Every Student

Imagine how well you would have done in school if you had access to a tutor 24/7. Today, this is a real option for New Hampshire students, thanks to a partnership between the Department of Education and

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Voldomort Zelensky

It Is Not Our War, and Zelensky Is Not Churchill

What we all witnessed in Washington was bizarre. None of it good, nor in the interest of this nation or its people. The day began with yet another boondoggle being foisted upon the taxpayers of this country.

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