SB272 Parental Rights, still needs your support/help


These are the final numbers posted online for SB272 Support: 2010 | Oppose: 2911 | Neutral: 2 Next steps, the Committee with have a vote on this probably next week and then on to the House for a full floor vote either on May 4th, 11th or 18th which it must pass (OTP) or will die.

We want to thank Rep. John Sellers for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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As you can see, we that supported the bill were outnumbered. So, I have to question, has NH gone to the Dems and dark side, or are we who love God, Liberty, Freedom, and our State just too busy, unconcerned, or just don’t care (not being mean and not pointing to any one person, just asking the question)? Also, a real check of why we get outvoted on an online question that takes 30 seconds to fill out! What we need to do is learn, get stronger, and get more people to be involved.

We all have differences, but what I am learning and seeing from the Dems is that stay lock-step when it comes to a few KEY bills that have real meaning, like abortion, parental rights, stealing our kids, school issues, and becoming a police state (maybe a couple of others as well). All the other issues are ones that we can compromise on or tweak to be beneficial to all.

Let’s find a way to get more people out there. Let’s force ourselves to get out of our comfort zone. Let’s contact all House legislators by email and, in a short NICE email ask them to support SB272 when it comes to the House Floor. I look at all emails sent to me, so I am sure they do as well.

Lastly, none of this really matters without God on our side, so let us pray, pray, and do some more praying and just maybe God will bless NH and keep NH safe. And let’s talk one on one to people and maybe educate them on the truth of the matter/s.



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