The current president of Londonderry Fish and Game, Richard H. Olson Jr., attended the Town Council meeting on Monday, May 20, and raised a number of concerns regarding a new clubhouse the group had approval to build on their property.
New Hampshire Needs Greater Diversity …
New Hampshire needs more diversity. No, not diversity of race, ethnicity, sex, gender, disability, mental illness, cognitive ability, religion, or veteran status. We need a greater diversity of views among the people we elect to rule over us.
Manch Talk: Stop Meddling!
Would you believe me if I told you, less is more? Less government would mean more prosperity? You’d be at least 30% richer if we eliminated the bureaucratic red tape strangling our economy today. Tammy tells us about the new documentary, Flynn, we discuss the upcoming elections, shocking RTK prosecutions, and more!
Night Cap: Employee Beware! – The Hackers Have Got To Be Singing “Pennies From Heaven”!
Whether you know it or not, it is becoming common for Employers to keep ALL of your most important identifying information in the cloud! That’s right—not just your name, address, email, and phone number but also your birth date and social security number.
The FED Is the Greatest Con Game in History
The decline of the U.S. dollar has deteriorated 98% since the Federal Reserve was created. FDR’s 1933 Executive Decrees initiated the removal of precious metal backing from the US dollar by taking us off the gold standard. Thereafter, dollars were only redeemable for silver until 1971. President Nixon then removed the dollar’s silver backing.
Hillary Speaks the Truth?
Believe it or not, readers, Hillary’s mouth has actually spoken the truth to us, the American people (I bet that has a bitter taste for her?). According to Hillary pro Palestinian protestors here on American collage campuses and streets are ignorant of the history between Israel and Islam.
Mach Talk: A Statute of Limitations on Child Abuse?
This week, we delve further into the Sununu YDC scandal. Who is the judge? What would the economic impact be to the State if every incident receives the mandated $475,000 maximum–there are 1,400 complainants, each with numerous incidents, you do the math!?!? We also discuss the latest dramas surrounding the upcoming LP Convention in DC at the end of the month, and more!
Here’s Why Conservatives Can’t Trust RFK Jr.
There’s a lot of chatter right now about Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., even though he won’t even be on many states ballots this fall, let alone actually scoring one single electoral vote in November’s election. And while they may know his name, many voters know little about him or his policies to make an informed decision one … Read more
Last Chance: Contact the Senate Judiciary on Critical Bills!
Re: ‘Ethics’ Complaint Against Councilor Farrell Dismissed by Town Council
Mr Town Manager, Mr Chairman,
In response to the highlighted issue, it seems appropriate to establish a code of conduct for members of the town council at the next organizational meeting following the March 2025 election.
The Story Buried Under the Fr. Gordon MacRae Case
In an article I wrote last September entitled “Judge Arthur Brennan sentenced Father Gordon MacRae to Die in Prison,” I aimed a spotlight at the glaring injustice of the 1994 prosecution of Father Gordon MacRae. Also in these pages, Fr. George David Byers wrote “A Code of Silence in the U.S. Catholic Church: Affidavits.”
Complaint Against Town Councilor Dismissed by His Buddies on the Town Council
(TU – Londonderry) The Town of Londonderry has dismissed a complaint by Kristine Perez against Councilor Farrell, stating that Councilor Farrell did not violate the ethics code. Kristine Perez filed the following complaint:
Manch Talk: Is Trump Taking Over the Libertarian Party, Or Is It… Brain-Worm Bobby?
Trump and RFK are fighting to get on the stage at the Libertarian Party Convention. Will Libertarians start accepting their ideas are winning, or will they shoot themselves in the foot while clinging to their victimhood blankie?
Night Cap: The UN is Coming for Your Guns
Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s famous words, “The line between good and evil runs through the human heart,” should haunt the minds of leftwing American voters; citizens proud of their hatred for our Second Amendment.
Manch Talk: What Your Number Two Says About You
Gardening to poop? Sounds about right in this week’s edition of Manch Talk. We sing the praises of the volunteers helping to clean our parks, and talk about other crap (literally). Want to improve your health? Start here!
Daniel Richard v. Christopher Sununu, et al. – SUR-REPLY TO RESPONDENTS BRIEFS
Now comes Appellant Daniel Richard pro se in his sur-reply to the supplemental briefs of Respondents, the Town of Auburn, and the state of NH.
The New England Take: 10 years of “Fixing” College Student Mental Health…
Dr. Michelle Mullen, Senior Vice President and Chief Design and Impact Officer of The Jed Foundation, discusses the importance of a wholistic approach to college student mental health and their data from working with 144 colleges and universities.
Trump Was Right — The EV ‘Bloodbath’ Is Already Here
Ever since March 16, when presidential candidate Donald Trump created a controversy by predicting President Joe Biden’s efforts to force Americans to convert their lives to electric-vehicle (EV) lifestyles would end in a “bloodbath” for the U.S. auto industry, the industry’s own disastrous results have consistently proven him accurate.
WoLF Testimony in Support of New Hampshire Bill Protecting Single-Sex Spaces (HB396)
My name is Lauren Bone, and I am the Legal Director of Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF), a national feminist non-profit organization whose mission is to advance, restore, and defend the rights of women and girls.