New Hampshire Should Follow in Texas’s Footsteps - Granite Grok

New Hampshire Should Follow in Texas’s Footsteps

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On Wednesday, September the 1st, Texas passed an extremely controversial abortion restriction that would prevent the procedure after a heartbeat is detected, usually around 6 weeks gestation.

Here’s the kicker: to prevent courts from blocking the bill, Texas outlined the act so that private citizens enforce it and can sue a clinic or another person who aids a woman in getting an abortion.

And my goodness. Pro-abortion advocates, organizations, and newscasters are losing it.

Everywhere I go, either online or on television, people are going crazy. I’ve heard doom and dystopian gloom that the bill would allow private citizens to “place a bounty on women who take an Uber or receive assistance from friends and family” to have an invasive and deadly procedure done on them.

The countless number of times I have heard that this would negatively impact healthcare access, especially to racial minorities, is annoying.

As an African American woman, I am insulted hearing from people stating that I “need” abortion to succeed!

We want to thank Althea Ansah for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you want us to consider, please submit it to

Pro-abortion advocates cannot hide behind euphemisms for much longer. Stop calling abortion “a reproductive right”, “a constitutional right to choose”, “bodily autonomy”, “empowerment”, “healthcare”, “a safe and legal procedure between a doctor and patient”, a “way for women to be equal to men”, or any more of these tired talking points.

Call abortion what it is. It is a procedure ending the life of a preborn child (50% are women, by the way) who deserve the right to life. It is an invasive, extreme, and dangerous procedure that can (and has) cause women physical, emotional, and mental health problems that can last a lifetime.

If states across the nation really cared about women’s reproductive health care, they would direct funds away from Planned Parenthood and other abortion facilities. Legislators would place those funds to federally qualified health centers and pregnancy resource centers – actual locations that provide healthcare to women. Citizens would stand by families in unplanned pregnancies and encourage them that parenting and adoption are other options for them.

Most importantly, we would overturn Roe and make abortion illegal and unthinkable again. New Hampshire, let’s follow in Texas’s footsteps.”

