Housing and Zoning: HB 1291 is HB 44 on Steroids!


Friends, HB 1291 is not just an ordinary bill that allows Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). It is HB 44 on steroids. Here is the bill in PDF format – HB 1291 Please notice the sponsors!

It is slated to be introduced on 01/04/2024 to the “Special Committee on Housing” which is a sham since out of EIGHT members, SEVEN of them are the bill’s sponsors!!!

HB 44 is a bill we defeated last year that would have allowed neighborhoods zoned single-family to chop up their homes into 4 units provided they were on municipal sewer and water.

HB 1291 makes no such distinction so long as the septic and well can serve the square footage per the town’s ordinances.

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This means ANY single-family neighborhood can be turned into a rental nightmare with both ADUs attached and non-attached. Usually a normal ADU is one extra unit that is allowed to be occupied by someone related to the homeowner. These multiple units would have NO restrictions as to the relationship to the homeowner.

The arguments against this are:

– There would be NO more choice to live in your once-guaranteed single-family neighborhoods
– Doesn’t guarantee ‘workforce housing’ prices since the area would automatically get higher rental rates than in a city, and thus would likely not help the housing ‘crisis’ at all
– It’s an attack on the middle class and the family

Normally a bill like this would be heard before the House’s Municipal and County Government Committee. We should demand that it be heard there, and NOT in a committee whose majority is its sponsors!!!

The bill has been requested to be heard by the normal Municipal and County Government Committee of the NH House of Representatives. We will be appealing to whichever committee ends up holding the hearing and ask you to email or write to them with your testimony also.

You can submit your testimony online here.


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