Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS – there IS a common factor

Let’s think about the attacks in Israel for a moment.  If we look around, we see that it isn’t just Israel that’s being attacked.  Have we forgotten about “no-go zones” in France, Germany, England, and other European cities?  Or the surge in Muslim attacks in Algeria, Mali, Tunisia, et al?  Or the longstanding hatred and internecine wars in the Middle East that do not involve Israel?

The blame lies directly at the feet of those who have been pushing “multiculturalism” but who do not understand that there is one specific culture that holds as one of its core doctrines the destruction of every culture except its own: Islam.

Islam is not just a religion.  It is an ideology.  Its core document, the Koran, contains both religious dogma and military strategy.  Its leaders actively prevent adherents from learning anything outside Islamic teachings.  It has its own laws and behavioral precepts.  It encourages expansionism as well as the use of outright and outrageous lies about Islam as a defense mechanism when non-Muslims tell the truth about Islam.  In fact, lying to non-Muslims about Islam and the political goals of Muslims is encouraged: it’s called taqiya.

The Koran also exhorts its adherents to kill anyone who isn’t a Muslim.  It’s clear several Suras.  How about Surah 2:191?  When referring to non-Muslims, the Koran demands Muslims to “… kill them wherever you find them … kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers.”  There are very few other religions who are as clear as this when it comes to relationships – or, in this case, non-relationships – with those of other faiths.  (Christianity had its enlightenment centuries ago and no longer demands the death of unbelievers.)

Moreover, the Koran also demands that any Muslim who questions Islam or decides to convert to another religion should be put to death.  How often do we see stories in the news about one family member killing another whose offense was apostasy?  They call it an “honor killing”.  Others call it murder.  It’s right there in black and white, 88:22-24: “You are not ˹there˺ to compel them ˹to believe˺, But whoever turns away, persisting in disbelief, then Allah will inflict upon them the major punishment.”  And the “major punishment”?  Take a guess.

Islam is definitely not a “religion of peace”.  To say so is yet another example of Muslims using Taqiya to disrupt society.

Hamas is continuing the war against Israel that has been waged for decades.  As far as “land for peace” goes, Hamas has no intention to trade land for peace with Israel.  Their charter explicitly demands the end of Israel and the occupation of Israeli lands “from the river to the sea”.  Their goal is to eliminate Israel from the face of the earth.

Because that’s what Islam demands: dead Jews.  And if not Jews, “unbelievers” – which includes Christians.  It’s right there in the Koran.

Muslim immigrants in France have demanded their own areas where local police may not go.  They riot, rape, and kill in those areas (there are countless news reports of this).  Think about it: this is yet another claim of “land for peace”  If you give us this “no-go zone”, we’ll be peaceful.  Taqyia again.  And the same claims have been made in Muslim-controlled areas in England, Germany, and other European countries.

There have been countless attacks by Muslims against non-Muslims in the past 50 years.  There isn’t enough room on this page to describe all of them, or to go over how the map of the world has been changed.  These attacks are ongoing, even today.

The attacks upon Israel are only the first phase of a 21st century attempt of Muslims to capture lands and either turn the populations into wholesale believers in Islam… or to execute them.  It is time for us to reexamine whether our schools, our government, and our culture has been deeply changed so we become “easy pickings” for the next phase: the reinstatement of what Muslims call “the caliphate”.

“The west” is unprepared to make the sacrifices required to defeat the oncoming surge in violence.  Muslims are willing to die as martyrs for their beliefs.  The word is istishad: dying for the faith makes you a hero.  Islam has an unending number of adherents who believe that they will be rewarded in their attacks on the West.  Palestinian families are monetarily rewarded for a family member who dies as a hero in the fight for Islam.

We are already seeing the weakening of western resolve, both in its wavering support for Israel and in its refusal to declare the Hamas attacks as barbaric murders.

How Israel conducts this war and whether the west can stand the necessary bloodshed to stop Islamic hegemony will determine whether we live free lives or whether we come under the boot of Islamic fundamentalism.

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