On Thursday, March 16th, the New Hampshire House of Representatives voted on HCR4, an Article V convention application limited to proposing an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to limit the number of terms that members of the U.S. House and Senate can serve—Term Limits for Congress.
We want to thank Kenn Quinn for this Contribution – Please direct yours to Editor@GraniteGrok.com.
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This popular reform polls at 82% nationally, with tri-partisan support at 87% Republicans, 83% Democrats, and 78% Independents. In New Hampshire, over three-fourths of the voters support term limits for Congress with an average of 77% which breaks out at 74% Republicans, 78% Democrats, and 78% Independents.
Voters in New Hampshire were also asked the following question regarding this resolution;
“The U.S. Constitution authorizes state legislatures to call for a convention to recommend Constitutional amendments. Two-thirds of states would have to agree before any action could be taken. Would you favor or oppose having New Hampshire call for an amendment proposing convention to enact congressional terms limits?”
Over two-thirds of the respondents, 69%, were in favor, with 66% Republicans, 68% Democrats, and 72% Independents!
First, we learned that 145 New Hampshire State Representatives stood with New Hampshire voters by voting to pass HCR4 to TERM LIMIT CONGRESS! Additionally, over 50 representatives committed to voting for this resolution by signing the Term Limits Pledge. THANK YOU!
Secondly, we learned that 224 House Representatives chose not to listen to the voters by voting against it. Yes, that is correct, New Hampshire voters, Term Limits for Congress, a common-sense reform that 82% of the voters nationally support, was defeated because your opinion does not matter to them.
In his parliamentary inquiry, Rep. Steve Shurtleff (D) asked members to join him in voting against HCR4 because JBS and special interest groups opposed it. Let that sink in. Rep. Shurtleff agreed with JBS and special interest groups instead of the 69% of New Hampshirites that favor HCR4 to propose a Term Limits Amendment for Congress!
This is the same JBS that claimed the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s was a communist plot.
The same JBS that tried to impeach Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren because the Court ruled state laws separating children based on race were unconstitutional in Brown v Board of Education.
The same JBS whose founder, Robert Welch, stated that Dwight Eisenhower was a “dedicated, conscious agent of the Communist conspiracy” in his book The Politician, whose leader, John McManus, claimed that Presidents Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter were communist lackeys, and whose CEO, Art Thompson, claimed that Thomas Jefferson was a traitor to the United States.
Conspiratorial fear was on sale, and the members were buying. I’m sure some members voted against HCR4 because they prefer to keep things as they are in Congress and don’t believe we need term limits. So, take your pick; Fear of using the Constitution or maintaining the Status Quo. Regardless of the reason, the outcome is the same; the people lose again while special interest groups and entrenched politicians in Congress win.
Something we are all getting very accustomed to these days.
Kenn Quinn is the Regional Director, U.S. Term Limits