On Thursday, March 16th, the New Hampshire House of Representatives voted on HCR4, an Article V convention application limited to proposing an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to limit the number of terms that members of the U.S. House and Senate can serve—Term Limits for Congress.
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The End Justifies the Means vs Means Are as Important as Ends
As a 54-year member of the John Birch Society JBS, I do not intend to go down the unlimited “rabbit trails” that US Term Limits Lobbyist Ken Quinn presented in his attempt to persuade the readers with “what he calls truth” in his 3/16 article about how great a solution Article V Con-Con’s would be to to fix the Constitution.
HCR 4: A “Bait and Switch? and Out-Of-State Lobbyists
On Thursday, March 16, the New Hampshire House of Representatives should be debating and voting on HCR 4-a resolution applying for an Article V Convention for a term limit amendment.