It's Time to Roll Back Executive Rule Making Authority on Vaccine Mandates - Granite Grok

It’s Time to Roll Back Executive Rule Making Authority on Vaccine Mandates

Moderna Vaccine vial

Over time, it seems that too much power and authority works its way into the executive branch. However well-intended, this transfer of law-making authority needs to be restored to the legislative branch.

Too much power in the hands of one branch of government leads to administrative overreach and a diminishment of citizens’ freedoms.

HB 1379, would remove authority from the Executive Department of Health and Human Services to determine what vaccines children must receive to go to school and restore the Legislature’s sole authority as the lawmaking branch of government to determine what vaccines ought to be required.

Furthermore, vaccines are defined by the Code of Federal Regulations. The current “EUA authorized” mRNA shots being passed off as vaccines, do not meet the current federal definition of a vaccine.

We want to thank John Cawthron for this Op-Ed.
Please direct yours to

No person in New Hampshire should be forced to take any therapy, that has not undergone the normal course of three stages of FDA trials and testing. Such an order would be far less likely with the legislature in charge.

As we have seen over the past two years, almost no executive branch department can be trusted to apply actual scientific, ethical, or moral standards in their decision-making. They have to a person, simply followed the herd and implemented rules and policies that destroyed lives, the economy, and many a small business without regard to the damage done.

It is not in the best interests of the citizens of New Hampshire to have Executive Branch bureaucrats deciding what ought to be law in our state. This is a Constitutional authority and duty that should be exercised by the Legislature alone.

I urge you to support HB 1379.
