No Constitutional Right to Abortion in NH - Granite Grok

No Constitutional Right to Abortion in NH

Mom and baby Original Photo by Hollie Santos on Unsplash

On Thursday, February 1st, the Democrats in the New Hampshire House of Representatives will be attempting to put a right to abortion in the New Hampshire Constitution (CACR23), and we must stop them. We cannot make the destruction of children and women a right in the New Hampshire Constitution.

Predatory abortion clinics intentionally disguise themselves as “healthcare centers,” when in truth they do not offer healthcare, they only sell coercion, lies and trauma. Their counseling consists of an abortion sales pitch where the “clump of cells” inside you must be removed before it turns into a baby because they say you’re not ready to become a Mom.

After the initial sales pitch and pressure, the next steps move quickly, like a whirlwind. You soon find yourself in a procedure room with your legs in stirrups, and then you quickly find out that you were lied to because you feel your child being violently removed from your womb. The people surrounding you at that very moment are all accomplices in the lies that led up to the death of your child. Terror and grief grasp you so hard that you are numb and in shock. They throw you a bag of saltines and a dixie cup of juice and sit you in a waiting room with all the other broken women to wait to make sure you’re not hemorrhaging. After a little while, you are shown the door, and that is the last you hear from them. They are done with you, but your nightmare has just begun.

The abortion clinic didn’t offer me healthcare, help, real counseling, or the truth. They coerced me, took my money, ripped my child from my womb, and then left me broken with a lifetime filled with trauma and grief.

We want to thank Cheryl Dean for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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A few years later, and in a different relationship, I became pregnant again and went to an ob/gyn for care. They did routine genetic testing, which came back positive for Down’s Syndrome. The Dr. assured me the result was accurate and then proceeded to pressure me to terminate the pregnancy because “raising a special needs child would be difficult.” We refused to terminate the pregnancy because we knew our child would be perfect and loved regardless of any challenges that may come with her.

Months later, my daughter was born a healthy and perfect 10 pounds 9 ounces. She did not have Down’s Syndrome or any other challenge. We were blessed. Later, I found out that several friends and relatives also had the same experience I did with a positive result for a genetic abnormality, and they too were pressured to terminate the pregnancy, and they too refused and had children who were born without the predicted abnormality.

I looked into these genetic tests and found that they have false positive results over 80% of the time. These same genetic tests are still being used today and still have over 80% false positive results. Why is this????

Millions of babies have been killed, and millions of Moms have been traumatized due to the lies, coercion, and deceit of the predatory abortion industry, whose tentacles are far-reaching into our healthcare system.

My story is common, but you don’t hear it often because broken women don’t speak up and tell their stories. It took me 30 years and a lot of counseling to be able to tell mine.

I’ll never know my first child or who he would have been, or what he would have done. My second child grew up to be a strong, bright, and independent woman who became one of the youngest women to serve in the New Hampshire State Legislature, and while she was there, she fought against predatory abortion before she even knew she had lost a sibling to abortion.

Please call, email, and text your New Hampshire State Representatives and tell them to say NO to CACR23 on February 1st.
