Governor Sununu and the Circus of the Harmony Montgomery Investigation Performance Artists

Claire Best

The Harmony Montgomery circus of investigation clowns will never look at themselves. That’s not good enough. The Feds need to come in. But not the Boston FBI, the ones from Washington Field in DC because there is a cover-up.

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In January 2022, The New Hampshire Police News Twitter @NHPD_News site posted a Union Leader article declaring that Governor Sununu had ordered an internal review of DCYF in light of failures regarding Harmony Montgomery’s disappearance and the two years of inaction.

The following month a 7-page report was released with recommendations.




Now Governor Sununu has asked AG John Formella’s office for an investigation into Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig and email correspondence regarding Harmony Montgomery.

This is coming from a Governor whose office never responds to public inquiries of concern, whose office never returns calls and whose office admits to deleting emails after 30 days. The AG’s office, meanwhile, is not much better, having suddenly found millions of documents that had been hidden for decades about child sex abuse at the State’s Youth Detention Center.

Manchester Police Chief and Mayor Joyce Craig and Governor Sununu are playing a game. Manchester Police Chief Aldenberg was nominated by Mayor Joyce Craig in 2020 and approved by Manchester aldermen.


Sununu’s words about Mayor Joyce Craig regarding failures to respond to Right To Know Requests are vacuous. It’s not just his office and Mayor Joyce Craig’s office who don’t take public inquiries seriously. It’s the Mayor of Concord’s office, Police Departments, DAs offices, and AGs offices across the state who all bat the ball off their desks each and every time. It is a statewide systemic problem, and that’s because the State officials rely too heavily on qualified and sovereign immunity to be bothered with a public inquiry about the safety of children or public corruption.

Numerous people have brought up police misconduct, the DCYF, and lack of accountability for decades. Each and every Governor, each and every AG has swept it under the rug, or if they have addressed it, it has been a performative “internal” audit. Public comments get ignored or ridiculed. Even when the US DHHS publishes reports on the utter failures of NH DCYF and New Hampshire officials agreeing to the recommendations, nothing happens.

Sununu’s empty words at Joyce Craig could just as easily be leveled at himself and those he has appointed or nominated for leadership positions — including Gordon MacDonald as both AG and Supreme Court Chief Justice:

“It is about leadership. You have to be able to be transparent, be responsible, be accountable. Unfortunately, there hasn’t been a lot of accountability out of the mayor’s office,” Sununu told NHJournal Thursday.”

Sununu’s request that the Attorney General’s office look into the email correspondence from Harmony Montgomery’s mother to Mayor Joyce Craig is just lip service since the AG’s office has been pretty unresponsive to requests for investigations as well. The AG’s Public Integrity Officer, Geoffrey Ward, deleted the files of 28 corrupt police officers before he became a federal prosecutor while his boss, now NH Supreme Court Chief Justice Gordon MacDonald, argued that the list of corrupt police officers should remain private. Leadership is missing across the agencies. Why do they still get federal grants when they continue to ignore the recommendations?

Sununu can decry Joyce Craig’s lack of accountability all he likes, but it doesn’t change the fact that there is no accountability from his office, the AG’s office, NHPD or Mayors’ and City Councils’ offices, or the Executive Committee, DAs or NH Judges, Superior, District, Family or Supreme Court. They’ve all protected corruption within their own ranks and with the DCYF and affiliated non-profits and agencies. They all like to make money off child abuse, but they have no desire to actually address it because that would require looking in the mirror and admitting to the cover-ups.

The police have asked the public to come forward with tips, but what good is that? It’s the same old same old — we come forward. We give tips about child trafficking, drug trafficking, and money laundering. We get ignored, or we get threatened.

The question the officials in New Hampshire will never ask or answer is whether Adam Montgomery was, in fact, a drug trafficking mule for Manchester Police and whether Manchester police, DCYF, were involved in the abuse of Harmony Montgomery and covering it up. And that is why the Feds need to come in.

Something’s off about Kayla Montgomery’s affidavit, which begs the question: was she coerced under blackmail or as part of a bribe to cover up a child, sex, and drug trafficking ring for the police or DCYF? Was the affidavit strategically created, then unsealed and given to news media to divert attention from the police and DCYF’s role in Harmony Montgomery’s tragic ending? Was the emergency plan for prosecutors to pin everything on Adam Montgomery while their buddies in law enforcement and DCYF slip into the shadows, avoiding potential criminal charges?

The Division for Children, Youth and Families was involved with Adam Montgomery and his children due to reports of abuse, according to Dunleavy. Adam Montgomery allegedly gave Harmony a black eye in August of 2019…..

It wasn’t until Kayla Montgomery testified before the grand jury, and was then charged with perjury, that her story started to change. In June of 2022, Kayla Montgomery said Adam Montgomery beat Harmony to death in the Sebring……

Adam Montgomery then decided to remove his daughter from the duffle bag and placed her into a maternity bag from Catholic Medical Center.

How would Adam Montgomery have access to a maternity bag from Catholic Medical Center? Did Kayla Montgomery provide it for him? And how credible a witness is Kayla Montgomery anyway? She has a history of fraud, lying, and missing court dates. So far, she’s been given an absurdly lenient deal, given the gravity of the case and her role in it.

But then there’s another curious statement:

Adam Montgomery then kept his daughter’s remains in the freezer at the Portland Pie Pizza restaurant on Elm Street where he worked, the affidavit said.

Portland Pie abruptly closed doors on March 1, 2020 — within three months or less of Harmony’s alleged murder. Was the shutdown of the company related to Harmony Montgomery’s remains being kept in the restaurant freezer?

The last time the DCYF saw Harmony was in October of 2019. Despite months of Sorey raising the alarm about the whereabouts of her daughter, DCYF waited until September of 2021 to contact the Manchester School District about the girl. DCYF did not contact Manchester police. In fact, police started the investigation based on Sorey’s call to the department.

Who shapes the media for police, prosecutors, and DCYF but Amanda Grady Sexton of the NHCADSV. Whichever way any of them dress it up with pretrial media leaks of potentially coerced affidavits, there is no getting around the fact that police and DCYF carry a great deal of responsibility for what happened to Harmony Montgomery. And the NHCADSV do, too in working with these agencies and prosecutors to create and control media that protects their own where they bask in qualified and sovereign immunity.

History demonstrates in spades that pretrial media in New Hampshire is not to be trusted, and it is planted for the police and prosecutors by the “Victim’s Advocates.” But nobody has actually been an advocate for Harmony Montgomery, whether she was murdered as Kayla Montgomery’s unsealed affidavit claims — or trafficked. Is the murder story in her affidavit a cover-up? It’s not that far-fetched of a notion if you read this lawsuit.

Harmony’s remains have not been found.

Governor Sununu knew that Adam Montgomery was a violent drug trafficker. So did the police. So did DCYF. So did NHCADSV. So did Children’s Advocacy Centers, which are DCYF. That means so did the board members of Children’s Advocacy Centers, which include Richard C Tracy, NH’s top crimes investigator, police officers in Manchester, and DAs.




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