Something For Free is the Greatest Ploy


“Something for free” is the greatest ploy ever used to deceive human beings. When something is offered for nothing, is it really free? Or is it like prescription drugs that has side effects? Consider the “something for free” strategies of Karl Marx, one of the greatest con-artist in all history.

We want to thank Russ Payne for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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It is not by accident that he proposed in the Communist Manifesto the strategy for “Free Public Education” as one of the ten steps to enslave the people of a nation: “Free education for all children in public schools.”

Today, imagine the mental anguish of a conscientious school teacher who loves to teach the truth. Each year he/she is forced to follow a politics of destruction aimed at our children’s minds in order to keep their jobs. Would you like to replace the 3R’s with the teaching children what to think not how to think? They are tasked with teaching Climate change, CRT, globalism, LBGTQ+ while simultaneously ignoring patriotism and the Christian foundation of our Constitutional Republic. Beware of those bearing gifts.

Did the words “Live free or die” die in the minds of the tens of thousands of NH people who accepted government lockdown as legitimate because Executive mandates made it so? Moving back again along this road to the state controlling children, it is enlightening to consider that by 1983 the National Commission on Excellence In Education issued this historic report,

“If an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre education performance that exists today, we might well have viewed it as an act of war.” Is this one of the side effects? Is it not fair to conclude this is the result of “free” education?

During these chaotic times, a voice crying in the wilderness, Tom Anderson, a great American patriot, warned that: “Freedom and Morality are indivisible. The foundering fathers knew true liberty could only take root if combined with faith and virtue. Marxist politics planted in the minds of our school children, along with twenty-six court decisions based on “separation of church and state,” is bearing its contrary evil fruit as adults. Because there is no foundational wisdom, the masses mix up free with freedom all the more.

Today’s American electorate’s prime motivation at the ballot box is their own pocketbook expecting different results than higher taxes, more regulations and less freedom. The ingenious Marxist plot to destroy Americanist education, based on biblical Christianity, has resulted in a public mindset that prepared our citizens for the revolution in the American government initiated soon after WWII. Citizens have been taught to accept the Supreme Court and the Executive branch usurp the powers of Congress. Not through bullets, but by education, the submission of the people to authority is now complete.

For decades “Free Public Education” has come from UNESCO and the Department of Education. Beware, they have another costly gift for you:


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