The Eavesdropper

by Op-Ed

A real tragedy that Americans have lost their Fourth Amendment right to privacy! Did anyone think to restrain the makers of cell phones from listening in on every conversation? I don’t mean just what is said between caller and callee. I mean, yer basic CIA can hear whatever you say NEAR your phone.

Correct me if I’m wrong. Yesterday I was at the Candidate Q&A in Londonderry. I was uninhibited in what I said, per usual. Got home and switched on the YouTube for some calming music — Frank Sinatra’s My Way, to be exact. So, as you would expect, the sidebar contained other Sinatra songs, a bit of Louis Armstrong, and so forth. But at the very top of the sidebar was a video of the Lejeune water complaint.

This is no doubt because I had been talking to Ron Dunn, a fellow candidate, about the groundwater contamination in Londonderry caused by St. Gobain chemical factory. He told me that Gobain has settled with victims, such that his family now receives free bottled water from them. Even his dog got thyroid damage from the water.

I mentioned to Ron there’s a class action by Marines who served at LeJeune Base from 1960 -1987. I’m assuming this is why my Sinatra song got a LeJeune video on the sidebar.

(Correction: not a class action, but an offer of federal compensation to victims. In other words, we will pay out. Might as well, as we were all stupid enough to let the LeJeune tragedy take place. It gave cancer to many Marines and their families.)

Anyway, back to the Q&A. A visitor said to me, “Are you a Republican or a Democrat?” I said, “Republican — see, my table has a red tablecloth, the Dems have blue.” Then I looked around and saw that no Dem candidates had shown up. (The person who organized the event — indefatigable hostess Janet Huttula — assures me they were invited.)

Having ascertained my Party allegiance, the visitor said, “All my life, I was a Republican, but I gave it up a while ago because of a certain president.” “George Bush?” I asked. “No,” he said. “Trump.”

I have some quarrels myself with 45 and figured the visitor might have meant the failure to lock her up, the Muslim ban, or Operation WarpSpeed.
Until he said, “It was about Covid. Trump kept saying the science was bad.”

Could have knocked me over with a feather.

Now let’s move to my next visitor, Debra Paul, pulling her rather magnificent canine on a leash. She told me that she will be arraigned on October 19th for crimes committed at her newspaper, The Londonderry Times. What crimes? Publishing political advertisements without labeling them political ads. A penalty of $12,000 lurks, or a year in the clink.

Because of this, and because I don’t want to be in the clink due to possible contaminated water (I mean water contaminated for particular prisoners), I’d better state upfront that my motive to write this article is to help Ron Dunn — hence it may be deemed a political ad. He is one of 10 seeking 7 Londonderry seats as State Rep.

Dunn shows up at some of the events I go to, always has enthusiasm, and always helps with the cleanup (such as the folding up of the red and blue, or in this case, just the red tablecloths). I told his wife I’d like to express my support for him at if she could tell me some reason why voters should choose him.
Mrs. Dunn said, “He is one of three citizen members of the state Budgetary Commission.” I said, “That’s not sexy enough. Anything else?” She said, “He gets along with people. He’s a peacemaker. He talks to both sides.” Yup, that’s true. Ron would have diligently folded up some blue tablecloths had there not been a Donkey boycott.

And that reminds me, someone at my table opined that the reason Debra Paul might get knocked out of business as a press owner is that hers is one of the few surviving Republican newspapers, and “the other side” wants them snuffed out. Think about it – the ease of suppressing newspapers. Rupe Murdoch once cleaned out a lot of local papers in the UK by buying up all the ink for newsprint.

Note: If perchance, the takeover of small papers in NH is happening via an attorney general’s decision to arrest Debra Paul, that is a serious worry. However, I don’t know enough details of the Londonderry Times case, so I’m gonna shutta mah mouf — for now.

My next customer at the Q&A told me I must have cards to hand out. So far, I have only given out copies of the extremely subversive 1789 Bill of Rights. (That’s the federal one, you should see the New Hampshire one!) I replied that lack of money prevents me from printing cards and lawn signs. But more likely, it’s because I do things my way.

Finally, and with regard to Trump being wrong (or right) about bad science, please google for “Erik Enby, Mary Maxwell.” You will see my obituary for dear Dr. Enby in Sweden, who discovered some amazing things when he looked at the Pfizer vaccine under the microscope. Erik Enby’s pal, Swedish filmmaker Borge Peratt, videoed the scene at the microscope and then died. Then Enby died.

At Enby’s funeral, they played Sinatra’s “My Way.” This is because, from a young age, Erik had looked at the human body — and also at plants and animals — to see how they really worked, which of course, led to the confiscation of his medical license.

Wait! How dare I say it led OF COURSE to his loss of license? In 2013, my book Consider the Lilies was published. I think it is the definitive work, to date, on the topic of suppression of cures for cancer, from 1890 to the present. The book’s subtitle is “A Review of 18 Cures for Cancer and Their Legal Status.” By legal status, I mean whether or not the cancer curer is in jail. Or has had his/her house burned down, or got into an accident, or whatever.
Consider the Lilies is a free download at my website

Alert: The last two paragraphs may constitute a political ad.



Reminder: Content about candidates or by candidates is not an endorsement by or its authors.


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