RINO Report: Tom Cardon and Brenda Willis

Derry has a 16 for 10 primary, the largest in the state. Its candidates run the gamut from extreme RINO, mediocre, excellent, to unknown. The latter may or may not be well known in the community, but they are unknown in the sense of not having voting records. And the RINO Report is based on voting records.

The three with excellent records are Erica Layon, David Love, and John Potucek.

The three with good records are Richard Tripp, Katherine Prudhomme-O’Brien, and Jodi Nelson.

The three with mediocre records are Stephen Pearson, Wayne MacDonald, and David Milz.

The last, David Milz, is near RINO. He was particularly bad in 2015-16, poor in 2021-22, and mediocre in 2017-2020.

We want to thank Spec Bowers for this Op-Ed. Please direct yours to Editor@GraniteGrok.com.

The two worst by far are Tom Cardon and Brenda Willis. They are former one-term Reps who should stay that way, never to be elected again.

Cardon and Willis are among the worst RINOs of the last decade.

In the 2015-16 session, Cardon voted with Democrats against Republicans 139 times, which placed him third worst RINO in the entire house. He voted nearly as often (48%) with Democrats as with Republicans.

In 2017-18, Willis was first, i.e. worst, among all RINOs, voting 114 times with Democrats against Republicans. Her RINO score was 46%.

Here are some highlights (lowlights?) of their short careers.

Bad votes by Cardon, G. Thomas (R, Derry)
Parental Control
    voted AGAINST declaring that parents have the natural right to control the well being of their children ( 2016 CACR16, 2016 HB1471 )
    voted AGAINST giving parents the right to remove their child from taking the state annual assessment ( 2016 HB1338 )
    voted AGAINST requiring parental notification prior to the teaching of  human sexuality ( 2015 HB332 )
Constitutional Rights
    voted AGAINST repealing a never-used and unconstitutional infringement on free speech ( 2016 HB1570, 2015 HB403 )
Right to Life
    voted AGAINST banning abortion after viability ( 2016 HB1625 )
    voted AGAINST prohibiting taxpayer funding of abortions ( 2016 HB1684


On all of these votes at least 80% – in many cases more than 90% – of Republicans voted the other way.

Bad votes by Willis, Brenda (R, Derry)

    voted AGAINST education choice ( 2017 HB647, 2018 SB193, 2018 HB1686 )
    voted AGAINST education choice including private schools ( 2017 HB557, 2017 SB8 )
    voted FOR repealing education choice ( 2017 HB129 )
Cost of Living
    voted FOR an income tax ( 2018 HB628, 2018 HB628 )
Constitutional Rights
    voted AGAINST repealing a never-used and unconstitutional infringement on free speech ( 2017 HB589 )
    voted AGAINST the right of self defense ( 2018 HB1313, 2018 SB500 )
    voted FOR restricting the right of self defense ( 2018 HB1566 )
Right to Life
    voted AGAINST collecting abortion statistics ( 2018 HB471 )
    voted AGAINST prohibiting sex change surgery for minors ( 2018 HB1532 )
    voted AGAINST strengthening the right-to-know law ( 2017 HB365
On all of these votes at least 80% – in most cases more than 90% – of Republicans voted the other way.
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