Excessive Cycle Times in PCR Tests Lead to Untold Number of False Positive COVID ‘Cases’ in NH

by Op-Ed

In an explosive revelation raising serious questions about the legitimacy of New Hampshire’s State of Emergency and the extreme, unlawful measures of the Executive Branch to curb the supposed COVID-19 crisis, New Hampshire’s chief health department executive disclosed that the state’s PCR COVID-19 tests are using standards that are known by scientists to result in false-positive tests.

Revelation About PCR Tests Demands End to State of Emergency

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“The Executive Branch and the Media have used the number of COVID19 cases, based on the results of PCR tests, as justification for their usurpation of our constitutional rights and way of life,” said Andrew J. Manuse, chairman of RebuildNH.

“We now have evidence to show that the positive PCR test results in New Hampshire have been wrongly inflated, calling into question the entire State of Emergency and illegitimate, Orwellian emergency mandates illegitimately coming from the chief executive.”

Starting at 1:08:49 in RebuildNH’s COVI-19 Legislator Policy Summit presentation in November, Dr. Jay Bhuttacharya, a professor at Stanford University Medical School, a physician, epidemiologist, health economist, and public health policy expert, explained how PCR tests work (Dr. Bhuttacharya’s comment is verified by a recent World Health Organization indication released right around Inauguration Day):

The way that a PCR test works, you have a tiny bit of virus a virus is a tiny little thing. You can’t detect the virus unless you amplify it to a large number.
So the PCR test doubles the amount of the virus, one cycle after another. … You keep doubling it enough times, you might be able to detect it. …

It turns out that if you double it a ton of times before you find it, the initial sample probably wasn’t infectious. The key numbers are 30 times. If you have to double it more than 30 or 32 times, it’s pretty unlikely the original sample was infectious. …

You keep doubling enough times, you can find pretty much anything, including dead viral fragments. If it takes 20 doublings and you find it, you have a lot of virus present, you are really sick. That’s a positive test, that’s a really good test.

If it takes 40 doublings to find it, you probably had it in the past, and all that’s leftover is viral fragments and you probably don’t have it. It depends on how many cycles, or how many doublings it takes before you can declare a positive.

Today, we release information obtained by RebuildNH from sources within the government. In a letter to our sources, Lori Shibinette, commissioner of the NH Department of Health and Human Services, wrote the following:

I am following up on your request for information on the cycle times at the Public Health Lab. Each lab analyzer have different recommended cycle times so you really cannot compare one analyzer cycle times to another. I have listed our three analyzers and the manufacturer recommended cut-off value (cycle times). We use the cycle times as recommended by the manufacturer.

RT-PCR Assay Cut-off Ct value
Thermo Fisher TaqPath RT-PCR Combo 37
CDC 2019nCOV RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel 40
CDC Influenza/SC2 multiplex RT-PCR 40

Importantly, a false positive does not mean that the test subject has never been exposed to COVID-19; rather it means that the test sample has been amplified too many times to indicate active infection.

This excessive PCR test threshold has been exposed in many other cities and states, including in an August 2020 report by the New York Times. From the report, “In Massachusetts, New York, and Nevada, up to 90 percent of people testing positive [for COVID19] carried barely any virus.

The issue with PCR tests is not limited to COVID-19, either. A similar event happened in the Dartmouth-Hitchcock medical system in 2007, with Dartmouth using PCR tests as the basis for calling a Whooping Cough “outbreak,” furloughing 1,000 employees and treating thousands more with unnecessary antibiotics, all to find out that not a single case of whooping cough as identified by the PCR test was actually confirmed with the definitive test, which is growing the bacterium in the lab.

“Our health executive has shown in black and white that the PCR tests used in New Hampshire to announce positive COVID19 results cannot be trusted,” Manuse said. “They are based on faulty assumptions, unlike claims made by the Executive Branch to the contrary.

Whether you’d like to give health officials the benefit of the doubt that they did this out of ignorance–following “manufacturer recommended cut off value (cycle times)”–is up to you, but the fact remains that the NH Executive Branch used this information to spread fear, consolidate its power, and control our way of life, and they are still doing that.

The true number of people who are actually infected by the virus is significantly less than what has been reported. Based on this information, it is incumbent on the NH Legislature to stop the Executive Branch from its unlawful overreach right now and End the State of Emergency immediately.”
About RebuildNH
RebuildNH (ReopenNH) is a PAC made up of concerned individuals devoted to getting New Hampshire back to work through a restoration of balance and reason in state government.


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