Climate Hasn’t Changed in 80 Years… - Granite Grok

Climate Hasn’t Changed in 80 Years…

Here on Monday, after the snowstorm blowing over the driveway, I sit here and recall a Letter To The Editor that I sent a week or two back stating the climate has not changed in all my 80 years. So, of course, the following week a writer scoffed at my observation.  May I suggest that person look out his window? Yes, I believe my point is made.

Now, it has to be clear to even the most die-hard climate change believer that something is wrong with the “experts” theories. What is wrong, I would suggest, is that isn’t about climate, it’s about politics. Everyone has a right to be critical of politics as it’s generally a nasty business on either side of the aisle but promoting fantasies as the facts insult everyone on both sides.

Might I suggest that the Left is always promoting how wonderful the illegal millions flooding – our-country are? No, maybe not? How about how great our economy and inflation…ahhh, no. Okay then cost of heating…wait. Crime? Drugs?  Oh, I know, the wonderful, transparent…okay, okay, slander Trump and his stash of unsecured secret documents. After all, Biden would neveeer…

Well, he **** let them find their own darn political topics, they never run short of made ups.
