Night Cap: Biden And The UniParty Have Strengthened The Economy And The Military … of Russia

Ed Mosca

The Biden-Regime/UniParty proxy-war against Russia has accomplished the opposite of what the warmongers assured us it was accomplishing. The Russian economy has been strengthened, not weakened, and the Russian military has been honed into a far, far, far more capable military force from when we supposedly began “degrading” Russia’s military capability.

Of course, you won’t hear any of these FACTS from the Regime-media (or the UniParty media, a/k/a Fox News) … our supposed “free press” is still regurgitating the incoherent Deep State talking points that Ukraine is simultaneously degrading the Russian military, but somehow this degraded Russian military is a threat to conquer all of Europe if we stop shoveling billions at the military-industrial complex.

David Sacks has been one of the voices of reason and truth about the proxy-war. He explains below how the proxy-war has produced a stronger Russian economy and military. Well worth spending a few minutes reading:

And below is an explanation why the Biden-Regime/UniParty/WEF sanctions have failed so miserably:




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