Trump mug shot

David Sacks’ Irrefutable Case For Supporting Trump

Do you know who Davi Sacks is, bitter-clingers? He is a tech entrepreneur who was a contemporary of Elon Musk’s at PayPal. The Biden-Regime’s policies have been so ruinous … intentionally so … that sometimes it seems impossible to summarize the breadth and depth of the damage. That is why you have me, bitter-clingers.

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Tank war

Night Cap: Biden And The UniParty Have Strengthened The Economy And The Military … of Russia

The Biden-Regime/UniParty proxy-war against Russia has accomplished the opposite of what the warmongers assured us it was accomplishing. The Russian economy has been strengthened, not weakened, and the Russian military has been honed into a far, far, far more capable military force from when we supposedly began “degrading” Russia’s military capability. Of course, you won’t … Read more

Tank war

The “Putin Is Hitler” Argument Is … STUPID

Excellent piece on Real Clear Politics (a Hugh Hewitt interview of David Sacks) showing the stupidity of the “Putin is Hitler” argument. Let me add a couple of points. Anyone who has done even a cursory examination of the relevant history knows that  Hitler always intended to engage in a war of conquest in the … Read more

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