It’s The Little Things

At the heart of any society is the family. A fair comparison is all the links of a chain that provide its strength. So it is that our American families are the beneficial links to our society. As such, it’s the little things within each family that bolster its inner functions, character, and purpose.

Today, this essential asset has disappeared. Therefore, a time out is needed so that we may reflect back upon those little things that always matter.

Each American generation drifts further from America’s origins. This is especially evident within the family since back in the day, families provided the classrooms and were the center for all activity. It was a more basic and demanding lifestyle, with each family member carrying their own weight.

Families have paid an admission fee for going along with today’s modern versions and it hasn’t been cheap! The cost has frayed its total fabric while adversely affecting each and every community.

It was only back In “the fifties” that times were generally happier with a bevy of smiles and laughter from America’s youngest. Family members greeted each other with warm hugs from our moms each morning, while at the end of each day, family chatter was easy, happy, and forthcoming. From our first remembrances, there existed this back and forth. Such daily routines molded Americans into an outgoing and friendly bunch, which was obvious when passer bys congenially greeted each other in public.

There was also a pre-TV time when young imaginations were developed when families listened to radio shows of the Old West and gangster stories. Then the “boob tube” invaded and became the family center for entertainment. It was then that conversations were first limited to commercial breaks!

Today, things have changed as quieter moments have become rare. When was the last time that the car was driven in total silence?, Hell, even our solitary moments when pumping gas have been invaded by a TV screen.

Another large hit affecting family unity has been the cell phone. No need to expound upon this other than to mention recent reports by knowledgeable officials and doctors cautioning about overuse and a growing reliance that may reach an additive level.

When driving on vacations, families formerly passed the time by playing make up games such as counting the number of vehicle makes, who first saw a different State license plate, then who knew that State’s capital, or even the first to spot a barn with red doors. While this was just innocent fun and meant to pass the time, it also formed a feeling of closeness and family togetherness just from the interaction of competition and laughter.

Today, as the family sedan has given way to the SUV or van, many vehicles are bought with a TV package because current vacation trips require a favorite movie so that the kids will be entertained and, therefore, quiet. No more of that constant “Are we there yet?” from the back seat. In fact, family conversations have since become minimal.

Dinner times were when each would tell of the day’s happenings, how the bike got a flat tire, what happened at school, or telling of the game played outside with friends. Also, the parents would tell about their day and of chores still waiting. Again, this was an interaction that tightened the parental/family bond with their children. This was what families did back then, wanting to know, understand, and “be there” for them, and yes, even when correcting their misbehaviors was necessary.

Back then, there wasn’t this urge to “be their friend.” Hell, parents had to do the spanking! Contrary to today’s standards, spanking, as a method of correction, is an expression of caring and love, plus it works! Parents were the adults, and what rights the kids would someday have were to be earned!

This barely scratches the family surface since the little things that define the family are endless. Each separate family had its own personality, its own make-up, and its own rules, but now the family is splintered and thus non-communicative. In a harsh but telling comparison, the lioness in the jungle tends and cares for her cubs more so than today’s parents!

Our Country’s future is dependent upon the family. Every child seeks learning and, yes, even correcting, but not when families remain in such a dysfunctional state! We need to reinstitute the little things. Hopefully, this review sheds light on the “why” of this current violence and hatred for anything that predates the current times. This reasoning is senseless and has become detrimental to all of America, including her families!

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