American Elections Are NOT Democratic

There are certain prerequisites to a functional democracy. Among these are limiting the vote to only legitimate voters, ensuring that the vote-count is legitimate, having an election-day as opposed to “early voting” for weeks prior to when the actual election is supposed to take place, and not allowing local election offices to be used as get-out-the-vote tools for the Party in power.

Equally important is that the voters get fully and fairly informed.

Stated somewhat differently, you can have voter ID, paper ballots, get rid of “early voting,” etc., etc., etc., and still not have a functional democracy if the government can censor the information available to voters (e.g., Hunter-laptop) and plant false information (e.g., Russia-bounties, the military are “suckers and losers”). America does NOT have a functional democracy because of government censorship.

Yes, it is a long listen. But if you don’t, then you are choosing to be uninformed and live in an alternative reality.

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