Why is Hamas Holding Onto Women Hostages?

by Op-Ed

In Hamas’ position of releasing some hostages but refusing to release others, one might reasonably ask why it is that many of the hostages remaining in the hands of Hamas are young women.

There have been numerous confirmed reports that Hamas terrorists raped many Jewish women as part of their campaign of terror on October 7, and there are now reports from released hostages that the hostages were, during their captivity, subject to “sexual abuse,” which is obviously a code phrase for something much more sinister: rape, repeated rapes, and gang rapes.

And you can be sure that none of the women hostages are being given access to medications, including, if they so desired, birth control medications.

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So, now with many young Jewish women held captive by Hamas for over two months, and many, if not most, of them being raped by Hamas terrorists, could it be that the strategy of Hamas is to try to impregnate as many of the women as possible before they are released, knowing that observant Jews do not condone abortions, and, in any event, why would any of those women ever want to bear a child produced by a Hamas rape.

Hamas is essentially trying to produce a generation of Hamas-fathered bastards to pollute Israeli society if their captives are ever actually released.

This is part and parcel of the Islamist blueprint for infiltration into and degradation of Western society values, including attempts at the creeping introduction of sharia law.

How would any of us feel if this was being done to our daughters, sisters, or wives?

We and the Israelis are being forced to deal with evil animals, completely lacking in civilized behavior and seeking only to destroy the West.  And the only reasonable response is to destroy them before they can destroy us.


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