Something New in Canada, Thanks to Vaccine Fighter Dr. Mark Trozzi

A few days ago, I attended the Children’s Health Defense conference in Savannah, Georgia. A doctor sitting at my table said that the only relationship between a patient and doctor should be a direct one with no “employer” and no Third Party. As we all know, there are many heavy-handed Third Parties now.

I would include insurance companies, legislators who decide which medical care gets funded, the states’ disciplinary boards, and their Big Daddy, the AMA.

In Canada, Dr. Mark Trozzi, an outspoken Emergency Room physician, has just given the doctor-patient relationship a huge boost. He endured, on November 1, 2023, a decision by his professional board, which I will print below.

During the so-called pandemic, the wheat got separated from the chaff. We found out who the good doctors are, the ones who can use their own brains and refuse to follow bad orders. I’ll name just 5: McCullough in the US, Borody in Australia, Bhakdi in Germany, Coleman in the UK, and Trozzi in Canada. Possibly hundreds of good clinicians have had their licenses revoked. On Nov 10, 2023, Canada will make up its mind to revoke or not revoke Dr. Trozzi’s right to practice medicine.

We want to thank Mary Maxwell for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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Meanwhile, the Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal [beware “tribunals” – they are not the government, and they are not courts] has ruled that Trozzi is GUILTY OF PROFESSIONAL MISCONDUCT and dishonorable conduct.

Good! Great! This Ontario group has clarified its own incompetence and/or malfeasance by making that “finding.” As a result, folks in Canada can now face up to the issue of the LEGITIMACY of such bodies. As the Ontario body is clearly siding with the baddies who are injuring everybody’s health and being blatantly dishonest, it is only logical to say that it lacks legitimacy. Eh?

Wait! Aren’t we supposed to sort through the history of how the organization was formed, what each doctor agreed to upon joining, what court rulings have been made, etc? Sure. It’s good practice to do that. But it won’t yield what we need — because all such legal papers had in them an overall assumption that all participants were morally normal and also were accountable.

In reality, there are now many people in our midst who are not morally normal. You can’t depend on them to be honest or humane or inspired by high principles — don’t waste your time wishing they were. In reality, they are part of a plan to bring an end to society as we know it.

I believe that the November 1, 2023 decision, shown below, about Mark Trozzi – as summarized by his Toronto attorney, Michael Alexander – is “just plain beautiful.” We couldn’t have asked for a better overview of the illegitimacy of the Ontario Tribunal.

I personally am not a doctor, but am the widow of one, and can relate to this whole disaster of “backroom authority.” I am in the law field and see it all the time with regard to the American Bar Association (ABA). In fact, I see much of Congress’s output as coming from a backroom – an unidentified and unacknowledged backroom. I am sick of it. Our brains are capable of seeing through these tricks.

Yay for Dr Mark Trozzi! Yay for all the Covid resistors! Yay for whistleblowers like Mike Yeadon and patent investigators like David E Martin. Yay, yay, yay!

Here’s the item, written by Michael Alexander, JD, who can be reached at


“The Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal has ruled that Dr. Mark Trozzi is guilty of professional misconduct and dishonourable conduct and is incompetent in the practice medicine for questioning the government’s Covid-19 narrative.

“He was also found guilty of professional misconduct and was deemed incompetent for writing medical exemptions for Covid-19 injections in support of a patient’s right to refuse coerced medical treatment under Ontario’s Health Care Consent Act and section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

“In 2021, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario [CPSO] established three Covid-19 restrictions through website statements — doctors were forbidden from:

(i) making any statements that discourage anyone from following Covid-19 public policies and recommendations;

(ii) prescribing alternative Health Canada approved medications for the treatment of Covid-19; and

(iii) writing medical exemptions for Covid-19 injections unless a patient had suffered a severe allergic reaction or developed myocarditis after a first shot.

“Based on the restrictions relating to freedom of expression and medical exemptions, the College issued investigation orders against Dr. Trozzi in 2021.

“This eventually led to a five-day hearing in July of 2023, during which the College Tribunal focused its prosecution on Dr. Trozzi’s daily newsletter at, where he had supposedly caused harm by spreading “misinformation” about Covid-19 science. The College was particularly concerned with Dr. Trozzi’s view that neither Big Pharma nor Health Canada had done the due diligence required to prove the Covid-19 injections were safe and effective. [!!!!]

“The Tribunal concluded that his views were inflammatory, unprofessional, and worthy of censure. On November 10th, the Tribunal will hold a penalty hearing to determine whether to revoke the license of the 25-year ER veteran and former university professor.”

Michael Alexander adds:

“The Tribunal did not address our argument that the College lacked the authority to investigate and prosecute Dr. Trozzi since its Covid-19 restrictions were merely recommendations rather than binding rules or regulations, even though we cited the Ontario Divisional Court and the Ontario Court of Appeal in support of our position.

“The Tribunal totally ignored our cross-examination of the College’s expert witnesses, which makes the entire decision a complete travesty.

“On cross, the College’s main expert witness on Covid science, Dr. Andrew Gardam, admitted that he had never responded to the 41-page expert report provided by Dr. Trozzi in which he rebutted Gardam’s own 8-page expert report with 29 scientific citations. As a result, in closing submissions, we argued that Dr. Trozzi was unrefuted on Covid science; yet, the Tribunal made no mention of this fact.”

“The Tribunal also paid no attention to the fact that the Supreme Court recognized an expansive right to freedom of expression as an inherent feature of parliamentary government as early as 1939, which gives the right a higher status than it enjoys under the Charter. In matters of law, we will appeal the decision to the Divisional Court on the standard of correctness.”

Comments by Mary Maxwell

I wasn’t kidding about rejoicing. The scales are falling from our eyes. Cardiologist Dr Peter McCullough has been about as pointed as one can get, and is lecturing all over the place. There is a link below to his video:  FIRE IN THE HOUSE OF MEDICINE.

The debunkers cannot keep up with him. Retrieved by me today, Nov 6, 2023, is an report meant to “warn” you about Dr McCullough. It starts by saying that he quoted a CDC VAERS report incorrectly. He said that as of December 2022, the CDC counts the number of deaths occurring within a few days of taking the shot as 16,000.

No, says the debunker, CDC reports the December figure as 18,000.

(You can read that again.)

To AP’s credit, however, they do say that many of these are self-reports and do not prove that the vaccine actually caused the death. Still, we all know by now that the percentage of vax injuries that get reported is small. That percentage is probably rising now that people have figured out how to make a report to VAERS.

Note: Above, I forgot to add to my list of the “not morally normal” editors of medical journals and the teachers in medical schools who have UTTERLY ABANDONED SCIENCE. What kind of intimidation have they undergone to make them so afraid to speak truth? I don’t think bribery is the main factor. If anyone knows, please inform me at Thank you!



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